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Anglais Travail 6eme

Compte rendu : Anglais Travail 6eme. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Avril 2020  •  Compte rendu  •  297 Mots (2 Pages)  •  601 Vues

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Travail d’anglais

  1. Si vous êtes à la maison,, à quelle heure vous vous levez, à quelle heure vous prenez votre repas, à quelle heure vous faites vos devoirs et quelles sont vos activités.

Hello, during this difficult period, I stay most of the time at home with my dad who telework because he cannot go to his office.

I wake up at nine A.M. and I stay a bit on my bed, i get up about quarter past nine A.M and I go directly to have my shower. Then I have my breakfast at fifteen to ten. I start my homework at 10 A.M. in the morning by going first on the PCN website in order to check what are the lessons to do. I sometimes visit the SchoolMoov website because I have an account on it in order to deepen my knowledge in all subjects. The website proposes many lessons and many videos.  I usually finish my homework in the begining of the afternoon and then I have some free time for my hobbies. I play chess either against my father or against my computer. I continue to learn and play piano at home.  I compose also my own music. I draw, play some game on my phone, and I go out sometime at 4 PM with my dad to run. When i get bored I call my familly and in particular my cousins to have their news. I like to watch Louis de Funes’s movies and cartoons during the evning. At the end oft he day I usually  go to sleep at  ten thirty o’cloock.

Réponses aux questions sur les heures du dialogue


  1. two o’clock
  2. twelve o’clock
  3. Eleven thirty
  4. Six thirty
  5. Five fifteen
  6. Ten fourty five
  7. One fourty five
  8. Eight fifteen


  1. Eleven thirty


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