- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Anglais - Justice

Fiche : Anglais - Justice. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Janvier 2019  •  Fiche  •  798 Mots (4 Pages)  •  557 Vues

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Healthcare & medical


What might you need to warn someone if ..

They’re sharp

It’s freezing

It’s icy




back off

call 911

Call the police

I need an ambulance

It might bite

Take over


Heads up

it’s hot

it’s cold

it’ sharp

it’s slippery

it’s city

keep your eyes on the road

pay attention

be carful

watch out

look out

stay away

slow down

stay back


brainstorm a list oh medical emergencies.

For example : someone is choking (s’étouffer)

someone is unconscious

someone is burned : they’ve been burnt

Heart attack

someone is bleeding heavily: saignes bcp

someone is stroke

someone is vomiting / throw up

someone is fainting

someone is stabbed (poignardé)

someone is drowning (noyé)

To have an allergic reaction

seizure (crise)

Ingested something poisonous

give birth ( accoucher)


What questions would you usually expect to hear when you call the emergency services ?

For example : What’s you emergency ? 

Are they alive ?

Are they breathing ?

Where are you ?

Are you conscious ?

Is the door unlocked ? Is there a buzzer ?

tummy : dans le ventre


Not mentally or emotionally alert

Stay on the line

To remain on the phone


The vibration of blood pumping through the arteries


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation


To move around


Uncontrollable shaking due to abnormal brain activity


The hands-free feature on a phone


A medical profession specialising in emergency response

Palm of one’s hand

The bottom raised area of the palm


The application of pressure

  1. roomate
  2. pulse
  3. on the way
  4. living room
  5. spearkerphone
  6. instruct
  7. circulating
  8. flipped her
  9. is that right
  10. chest
  11. compression

chest : poitrine

roomate : colocataire

flip : retourner

You witnessed a cyclist get hit by a car. He may have a head injury.

witnessed : témoin

Emergency: 991, What’s your emergency ?

C: My spouse cut himself with a sharp knife. I need help. I’m scared, he doesn't look very well

H: Calm down, where are you located ?

C: we are at home, 5 boulevard de la liberté at Lille.

H :  A vehicle is coming for him, I going to ask you some question now, we stay on line until the emergency’s arrival

C: Okay, hurry up please !


H: Are you conscious ?

M: Yes but I am confused, the bleeding won’t stop.

H: To stay conscious keep talking with me and constance. Do you have other pain anywhere ?

M: No I don’t think so

H: Ok i will make a bandage and we must go to the hospital.

M: Ok, thanks.

vert : mauvais, rouge : bon

Can you say tell  me if she is breathing ?         to tell + someone

He is has faller on the ground

I had lunch lunched at in a new cafe

Can you explain to me how to do CPR ?


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