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TD : Walmart. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Janvier 2019  •  TD  •  400 Mots (2 Pages)  •  583 Vues

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The criteria that must be taken into account to estimate a company, are economic and social.

At the economic level, it is going to allow to judge the performance of the company due to its income (financial profitability, Turnover, economic place on his market: Leader, Challenger, Followers).

In the social standing, because so that a company can inspire confidence and prosper, she has to promote values and prove that she is conscious of her responsibilities to her employees, her external collaborators and the civil society: the well-being of his employees within the company is by reasonable working hours, a covenable remuneration, the redistribution of the profits, the social protection, paid attention on the environment...

Amazon accused of putting through hell his employees, on the working conditions which he imposes. The American company with fact the object of ainvestigation and old employees as well as anonymous sources describe a company there where elements considered unfit are sent back and the others exploited until the exhaustion to increase the productivity of the company.

I don't like this system because a person having a feeling of membership in the company will be more successful than an employee under pressure, risking to miss motivation in the work.

According to me the key of the success of a company is the good to be for the work, by following the model of Google which is leading in its domain today.

The dialogue is an interview on a radio program of Washington D.C " Most popular one Saturday morning Sow " presented by John who interview of Alice Wonder, the manager an Employee Assistance Program, an organization which helps the employees in their private life and in the work. 

As work experience, it works for 30 years for the Employee Assistance(Audience) Program, first of all there as psychologist and now as manager.

She explains that since its creation in the forty's, the E.A.P considerably developed, by proposing more and more services over the years, for the employees and that at present in the majority of companies, the Employee Assistance Program believes that the employees with problems personal or related to the work (Stress ...) are less productive, less concentrated and risk to make more errors.

Then, to remedy it, the E.A.P supplies to companies, advisers which are able of solving in a effective way situations to avoid emergency situations. This servicewas recognized and approved and exists in most of the companies today.


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