James Penny
TD : James Penny. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Jacky Sy • 5 Novembre 2018 • TD • 403 Mots (2 Pages) • 603 Vues
Introduction :
Hi, today we will talk about James Penny. In the first , we'll introduce with the context history. After that, we'll tell you the life story of Penny James. And we'll conclude with these consequences that made by James Penny.
Part 1 :
In the 18th century, we know between Europa, Africa and Usa that made a traiding slave, taht was the triangular trade. At this period, we needed a lot of labour to developed usa. So european rich has bought in africa some blacks slaves to sell at Usa. At this time, the black people wasn't considered as a human so they were here just to work. Later, in 1815 the slavery was abolished.
Part 2 :
He was born in England in Ulverston and passed his principaly life at liverpool. We don't know when he was born but we know he worked as a mariner and married with ann cooper in 1768. He'll be wery active during the American Revoltuionary War with the slave trade between 1775 and 1783. In 1788, the british government started an inquiry into the slave trade,following public pressure from abolitionists, Penny was chosen to represent the views of slavers. In 1792 he was presented with a silver epergne for speaking in favour of the slave trade to a parliamentary committee. He continued to be committed to the slave trade even when other merchants were moving away from it. With his eldest son, James, he was elected to the African Company of Merchants trading in Liverpool in July 1793. He died in 1799.
Part 3 :
To conclude, Penny Lane is an avenue and the famous residential street of Liverpool in england. His name comes from the name of Penny James and that's a song of the Beatles. The municipality of Liverpool renamed all the street name that reminded the past of slavedriver for the point of view political, except Penny Lane for the succes of the song.