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English test

Lettre type : English test. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Janvier 2017  •  Lettre type  •  284 Mots (2 Pages)  •  780 Vues

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Shirley WONG KAO

Somewh Ereonly Iknow

98765, Inth Eworld

Cell: 06 12 34 57 89


12 September 2022

SOMON Eidunno

Forensic pathologist


AL Sosome Where

91234, INarainy Town, Inabul Ding


I saw from a post from your laboratory's official website that you needed a temporary assistant to replace your usual one and I think that my profile matches the requirements for this post.

I graduated from University de La Sorbone one year ago, and and I am specialized in psychology and biological science. I worked as a vet assistant for three months 3 years ago, as a bartender and a waitress one year ago. I can handle a conversation with anyone adapting with the individual's personality. I am used to the sight of blood, and to the sight of dismembered bodies. I am currently fluent in both French and English.

I think that the year of Mortuary science, year of "desensitization" for me, would actually be an asset for the job, since I have seen numerous human corpses for the "initiation" , they are now interconnected system of arteries and veins to my eyes as I work. I am also indifferent to the state of a body, or to the various injuries visible on the deceased's body. Since your job needed someone with the stomac cast-ironed and a bit connoisseur of the human body, who can work for 10 hours and as a full-time assistant, I think that I would be a great applicant.

I would be really pleased to be by your side for the five next months, examining and resolving crimes. This would really help me to improve my scientifical skills.

I look forward to have an answer from you. Thank you for taking your time to considerate about my application.

Respectfully Yours,


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