Anglais analyse into the wild
Synthèse : Anglais analyse into the wild. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar zoee.jrd • 3 Novembre 2020 • Synthèse • 454 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 028 Vues
The movie Into the Wild tells the story of a young man who decides one day to leave his family and live on the road with a final objective which is to reach Alaska. He is sick of leaving in a society where people are hypocrite, where capitalism is the center of occupations and where nature is no more respected. He wants to live
into the wild from hunting, eating berries, with no money in his pocket. He defines wilderness as a part of a territory that hasn’t been touch by the human’s hand. A place where nature live as peacefully as the time where humans weren’t on the planet yet. But to go further in his thought, for him it’s more a place where he could escape his traumatic childhood and live a much more simple life. To erase himself from the society he decided to cut and burn all his identity carts such as the money he had. He had never gave news to his family from the moment he left to his death, he never came back home and abandoned his car in the middle of a desert. McCandless mostly wants to be on his own, manage himself with the things he would find in nature « no watch, no map, no axe or nothing ». Just him and the wild, like a spiritual trip. In another hand we can considered wilderness as a myth, indeed there is a
scene in the movie that show McCandless laying on the floor in the middle of nowhere but in the sky where flying planes. This scene remind him and the watchers that you’re never totally cut off from the human’s print and that there is always something that come from our modern society.
Thoreau was a writer of the 19th century, he experienced living a part of his life in the nature in a small cabin on the shores of Walden Pond in Concord as says the article NPR. He was at the same time escaping from his world (that he was not agreed with, like the problem of slavery for exemple) and was trying to work on himself on a quest for self-discovery. He said in one of his book "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. » The movie into the wild seems like it really has been influenced by this author. We can noticed some moments in the movie where we see some books of Thoreau, or some experiences that look like what he lived.