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Why studying US political system?

Chronologie : Why studying US political system?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Février 2024  •  Chronologie  •  3 464 Mots (14 Pages)  •  171 Vues

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Why studying US political system?

  • Historical contexte : the colonies.

England 1er colonies in Nort America Virginia.

  • 1606 charters as a private company
  • 1624 became a royal colony
  • A commerciale venture : faming of tabocco.

Diverse colonie interms of religion and economy

  • Catholic colony / protestant colonie.

England’s colonies in north America were not under the rigid control of the crown or parliament.

  • the colonist’s resentment towards the English crown.

  • English parliament imposed heavy taxes: imported tea.
  • “Non taxation without representation”
  • the British crown forbade the settlers to take native lands in order to expand their colonies.

  • declaration of independence.

4 July 1776, the colonies ratified the articles of confederation established a weak central government. 1783: treaty of Paris.

pb: the confederation proved to be an inadequate from the government.

  • trade disputes / federalists.

  • Philadelphia convention.

1787 P.C / 55 delegates.

larger states sought greater representation contraire sonaller states.

  • the great compromise.

necessity to preserve the nation from the authorization abuses.

  • ratification of the US constitution.

1787: founding fathers / 1788 US constitution ratification US was implemented.

2 crucial decisions: horizontal 🡪 division of power Montesquieu theories’ separation of power.

  • vertical: division: responsibilities between the federal government and states birth of federal.

  • the US constitution.

name “the supreme law of the land “3ème mot “we the people” = people sovereignty. / 7 articles: 1,2,3: separation of power. 4,5 federalisms. oldest written and codified nation constitution/ 27 amendments.

  • article 1: legislative branch.

bicameral legislature = 2 chambers. = house of representatives and the senate.

the congress meets in the United States capital. congress = les 2 chambers.

  • the legislative branch: house of representatives.

435 representants fixed by law. / US census / largest delegation: California: 52 representants in 2020.  6 states only one representant. representative elected 2 years (prevent etre réélu )

the speakeaker of the house.

  • Currently: house majority = republican, speaker: Johnson.
  • speaker of house is second in line to succeed the president, after the vise president.

charged the passage of federal legislation, known as bills.

  • revenue bills, impeaches federal officers’ initiates.

  • legislation branch: the US senate.

100 senators/ terms = Mandat, 6 years réelu.

currently: UP harried president the senate. current majority at the senate’s = democrat.

senate = power of advice and consent 🡪 approval of treaties, confirmation, conducting trials of those impeached by the house.

  • The exécutive Branch : article 2

role: carry put and enforce the federal laws passed by congress.

the president +vise president + the cabinet

the president’s power and responsibilities:

  • directs the executive branch of the federal government.
  • commander in chief of the united strata armed force.
  • Ambassadeurs and conclue treaties

conducting us foreign policy, dorecting the world’s most expensive military, power to sign or veto federal legislation = system of checks and balances.

3 qualifications for holding the presidency:

  • A Natural Born Citizen of the United States.
  • 35 years ord.
  • resident in united strated for at least 14 years.

electoral college 4 Ans term 2 Fois.

the vice president became if the president is unable to serve, president the senate.

the cabinet: advisor of the president, carries out and enforce laws.

  • The électoral collège.

is a process not a place.

meeting of the elector where they vote for president and vice president.

electoral college consisted of 538 electors = 435 representatives + 100 secateurs = the district of Columbia.

majority of 270 electoral votes minimum.

each state has a certain number of electors = numbers of representative + 2 senators

each candidate running for president has his or her orw group of electors = a slate. 

concept of « winner take all. »

certain état each have a variation of proportional representation Maine and Nebraska

vote for president and vice president on separate ballots.

  • Article 3 the Judicaël Branch

94 district court, 13 us courts of appeal: circuit courts.

the supreme court: the highest tribunal in the nation

the power of judicial review.  Minoration pour la vie

Cour suprême : the chef justice oh the United states ans 8 Associates justices.        

  • the system of checks and balances.

def distribution and balancing of power among the three branches of the us government.

example: presidency veto: the president can veto legislation passed by congress, impeachment: the house or representative can impeach the president or other deferral officials. judiciary review: the supreme Cour can declare acts of the executive or legislative branch unconstitutional through judicial review.


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