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Why Study Abrod ?

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Par   •  6 Février 2013  •  429 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 080 Vues

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Why study abroad?

Studying abroad is a topical subject which can concern everybody. No doubt the thought has popped into your head before: I wish I could have the opportunity to get out from under my parent’s roof to study abroad. There are countless reasons why everyone should cross the borders to discover other systems. Indeed, if you want to gain in-depth knowledge of another culture, and language, then studying in a foreign country seems mandatory. Furthermore, by widening new horizons, you will have some skills that may interest employers without forgetting a personal growth by dispelling your own stereotypes

First of all, studying abroad is an amazing opportunity to change your life by being immersed in the unknown and find out new cultures. Travelling outside the country can allow people to master a new language like English which can help them in their professional life, can help them to appreciate other music, other books… In addition, by being exposed to several traditions, people can learn to appreciate new food, new way of lives and in a certain way, some of them will be able to understand the meaning of their own culture. As far as I am concerned, being abroad has made me aware of the differences between the French culture and the Moroccan one if I take the example of the way people are dressed which is more close-fitting in France…

In addition, study abroad can offer you great expectations by allowing you the opportunity to climb faster the social ladder. Indeed, the international experience is impressive in the resume and can truly be expand your career across borders and then your income. If we take the example of working in a multinational firm, having a multi-cultural experience or knowing how to deal with foreign customers can be a help in challenges that you will have to handle in the world affairs by understanding international issues.

Eventually, students who study abroad are proud of their experiences which contribute to make them more mature by coping with daily life problems on their own, without relying on the parent’s cocoon. They praise being faced to new ways of thinking, meeting people from different backgrounds and all sort of meetings which can give birth to life-long friends or mixed marriages.

To conclude, I’d like to say that regarded my own experience, I definitely advice people to quit for a moment their homeland in order to master the challenges of learning in a new environment and test the pros and cons of being a foreigner like being homesick.


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