Safety at work : exercice à trous
Cours : Safety at work : exercice à trous. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Chazel Violaine • 23 Février 2024 • Cours • 324 Mots (2 Pages) • 189 Vues
1- The man ……………………. (glisser) on the wet ground.
[pic 1]
He ………. be more cautious (conseil)[pic 2]
He ………. avoid to walk where the ground is soaked ( interdiction)
2- The man ………………… (trébucher) in an electrical wire and …………… (blesser) his colleague ! His behaviour is really ………… ( dangereux).
[pic 3]
He …………….. to check his work station/work space (obligation) !
Maybe his colleague ……….. (conseil) …………………………….. of (prevenir qqun de qqch) the safety directions / rules ![pic 4]
3- The man stacks chairs to change a bulb . This is ………………….. (dangereux) in two ways !
[pic 5]
He doesn’t ……………………………… (suivre la procédure) at all :
……………..(impératif négatif) change a light bulb when it’s on : you ………..(obligation) turn off the fuse ![pic 6]
[pic 7]
If he wants to go higher, he …………… (conseil) use a stool , it is more cautious.
4- The man doesn’t know how to drive a crane. He acts unconsciously and causes a serious accident!
[pic 8]
He ……………..(obligation) pass a specialised driving license if he wants to work in a crane.
[pic 9]
The other worker …………….. ( conseil) know this procedure : the driving licence is ………….. (obligatoire) to be a crane operator !
5- Most of the employees ignore the fire evacuation plan and the emergency exits.
[pic 10]
Every workers ………………. (obligation) know the …………… in case of ……………
[pic 11]
All the emergency exits ………… (obligation) be marked by a green …………………….
6- In case of human accident, the workers ………….. know the first aid and the genral emergency number.
7- To avoid burnout and protect mental health workers ……………. (conseil) plan their work !
8- ………………………. (impératif négatif) sleep on your forklift !
9- …………………………. (impératif affirmatif) your body regularly when you work on a seated position for hours ! ……………………… (attention) your back !
10- And of course …………the light…… when you leave ! (impératif affirmatif)