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Well-being at work

Dissertation : Well-being at work. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Mars 2020  •  Dissertation  •  725 Mots (3 Pages)  •  610 Vues

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Topic 1 : Well-being at work [pic 1]


This audio document was published on YouTube in June 2016. It is about well-being at work. A nationally representative survey was conducted among adults working in the United Kingdom to find out how happy they are at work.

70 million is the number of working days lost worldwide in 2015. The main cause is mental health. Today most British people say they are "happy" at work. However, nearly 43% of them feel stressed more than half the time at work. A majority of British people think that stress at work is a normal part of life these days. 4 out of 10 English people have already left their jobs for this reason or have considered it. More than half of the people who responded for this survey said that work stress has affected their personal lives and relationships with their loved ones.

What makes you happy at work ? Most British people say they are proud of their work and feel confident (sense of belonging, opportunity to express their opinion). Many believe that the organization and work teams are well managed within their company.

But what can employers do to maintain a good workplace ? Salary, agreement with staff and teamwork are the most important factors in maintaining happiness at work. However, some of the interviewees would like to have more opportunities to express their creativity and have greater decision-making power.

Work is an essential factor to be taken into account for the well-being of a human being. The more stress the employee is under, the less he or she will enjoy coming to work. The role of employers is therefore to find solutions to maintain a good atmosphere within their company. Flexibility is becoming a factor highly appreciated by employees. Would this be THE solution to the well-being and satisfaction of our employees?

Vocabulary list

Bien être au travail : Well-being at work

Salaire : Salary

Santé mentale : Mental health

Sentiment d’appartenance : sense of belonging

Pouvoir de décision : Decision-making power

Absentéisme : Absenteeism

Maladie professionnelle : work-related illness

Risques psychosociaux : Psychosocial risks

Equipes de travail : Work Teams

Conditions de travail : Working conditions

Arrêt de travail : Work stoppage

Pression au travail : Working pressure

Reconnaissance du travail : Recognition of work

Prime : Premium

Surcharge de travail : Work overload

Epanouissement : Blossoming

Organisation de travail : Work organization


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