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Essayer on Edward Hopper

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Essayer on Edward Hopper. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Avril 2024  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  765 Mots (4 Pages)  •  173 Vues

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John was an old man, in his late 70’s. He was tall, had white hair, a mustache and wrinkely skin, like any casual old man. He liked travelling and spending nights at new hotels in big cities. John was a rich man as he had been a doctor for around 40 years, he wasn’t missing anything in life, except for a woman to be by his side… He never told anyone, but the main reason he travels so much is to find the woman he had always been looking for. And so, one day, when the old man went to Boston, he went to this new large hotel everyone is talking about, at night, as he had the habit to do so. But this time, something was different, he felt it. John was always very skilled at feeling when things were good and when they were not however this time, he could feel something but couldn’t guess if it was good or not for him. And so, on a cold rainy night, he decided to step in the hotel lobby. He was greeted by black curtains and once he stepped inside, he quickly took a glimpse of everything around him : blue walls, paintings, couches, a nice wooden desk, a colorful floor. He said to himself :”What a nice hotel this is !”. There was also a young blond woman sitting on a couch, reading a book, who probably didn’t even notice the man. He stands and waits for someone to come take him in charge so that he can book a room for the night. As he was waiting, a tall old woman appears and sits on the couch next to him. She was wearing fancy clothes and looked very elegant. John immediately felt something in his heart, as if it had been struck by lightning. He had never felt this before… All of a sudden, he started talking to the woman without even thinking about what he was saying, as if an unormal power forced him into doing so.

-“This must be a nice hotel if people like you are staying”

-“Oh it certainly is ! This is one of the best hotels in the country”

-“I bet it is. What are you doing here in Boston ?”

-“Nothing much, I actually own this place”

-“Oh wow ! I must say I wasn’t expecting that”

-“Haha don’t worry. I see it’s been a while you’ve been standing still, do you want to book a room?”

-“Thanks for asking… Actually, yes, I’d like to book a room for the night”

And so they spoke for about an hour, talking about all kinds of things : their jobs, their passions, their family, their tastes, etc… He learnt lots of things about that women, she had no children, hasn’t married anyone, used to work as a farmer alongside her father, he even knew what car her faher had. She told him the majority of her life in that short period of time. It was getting late and the woman guided John to his room. When John arrived at his room, he couldn’t sleep at night, it was love at first sight even though he didn’t know her name. The very next day, he went to the lobby to see if he could talk to her but she wasn’t there. He sat on a couch and waited till noon but nobody appeared. He asked people about the lady he had met but noone seemed to know her. However, he still thought she would appear later on since she owns the hotel… It was now night time and she still hadn’t appeared… was she gone forever?  John didn’t give up and for the next week he kept looking for her even outside the hotel, going to restaurants, cinemas, bars, spending lots of money but with no satisfying results.”If only I had her name !” he said to himself. When he had the conviction that she was probably gone forever, he felt a void in his heart, he starting drinking and smoking and depressing thinking about her. He left Boston that same night. And so went on the rest of his life, he would live alone, with the ghost of this lady he had once met in a hotel Lobby in Boston, sometimes trying to ask starngers if they knew the woman as if she wanted him to find her but he eventually gave up and satisfied himself with the sweet words they had exchanged that cold rainy night.


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