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Notion Idée De Progrès

Dissertation : Notion Idée De Progrès. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Avril 2014  •  348 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 064 Vues

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India is a country of legend,which made dream the European for centuries.India is the largest democracy in the world with a sixth (1/6)of the world population. After a long period of poverty and financial difficulties,India is now growing.So,is today India a modern country?

The girls in India aren't welcoming like boys because of traditions which impose to the girl family to give dowry when they get their girl maried. that's happen in the history of secret daughter written by SOMAYA GAWDA.Is the history of one mother who gave birth to a girl.Her husband was not alright to keep this girl because of dowry. However, more recently this situation gradually disappears.In one article of The New York 2009,Giridharas talked about his return in India after long years. He was surprised by the situation of girls. They were more free and accepted. He was surprised too by the increasing of the economy.

An other problem : the economy. The poverty in India declines. While the people living bellow 1E a day was 60% in 1981,they are only 42% in 2005.The unprivileged and the needy persons are falling. The population growth is fast-growing and now in India,family planning programs encourages families to have less than 2 child per family.

India, country of 18 official languages and many of different religions,shows this multicultiralism to the world. The culture of India is now famous thanks to the cinema for exemple (or literature..). Indeed, the India film industry is the most prolific in the world. The production of Bollywood is known by all.

India is the first world exporter of IT services (informatics).She receives 25% of FDI (foreign direct investisment).So,India is an important actor in the globalization and in the world.

To conclude, if a modern country is a country involved in a global model, using news tecnologies and progressing, so India is a modern country. India is a country which is progressing rapidly.Is one of countries with China,Brasil...which can become a great power. Perhaps India will replace Europe in the futur. However she still has difficulties and drawbacks like the poverty and the fast-growing population.


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