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Notion Idée De Progrès

Dissertations Gratuits : Notion Idée De Progrès. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Mai 2013  •  434 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 383 Vues

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I'm going to deal with the notion of ideas of progress .

I ) Technical progress :Emergance of SocialNetwork

Nowadays , few young don't have internet acess . So to begin with the large number of social network .

Indeed , today exist diferent social network for example facebook , twitter .

They permite to keep in touche with friend , comunicate with the world , share music , diferent univers ,

Also , we can see profesional social network , « viadeo »

it helps to have professionnel relationship , share CV's , find a job ,

To sum up the main idea , there are diferent varieties of social network , for comunicate , find job , kitchen , literature ,music , and much other .

II) Globalization debate

Globalization is a movement of comunication and interdependant beetwen countries for unified their deals économic , culture , society .

Nowadays , many companies modernize with the emergeance of new technology , like the express lines . In sector of industrie we can see the human labor is replaced by machines and we can see millions jobs across the world disappearing .

The cause ? Many companies relocating in countries where human labor is cheaper . Often , are asiatic countries .

To conclude this part , Globalization has meant that many business relocates in countries where labor is cheap and workers are working in poor conditions with low wages , it's a decline in respect for workers , moreover unemployment increases in developed countries .

III ) Cultural consequence

Before , people took the time to read a book, go to library , discover the culture of country ,,, but today bookstores , recordships disappear .

In fact, with the new technology, you can read a book online, buy music online And so we see to develop illegal download ;

The globalization bring up a loss of identity ,

We see the emergance of trance national firms american for example in france like Mc Donald , or ,Japanese restaurant, Italian, oriental

When you go on holiday in England, eat in American restaurant like Mc donalds and forget culture of the countries .

IV) Social progress

I'd like to talk about social progress.

In fact, we discussed a document being on India and the change in mentality. Indeed, it has been observed before, there were genocides women. Baby girls were killed every day because in India, the tradition says that a girl when she marries must pay dotte.

Today, attitudes have changed, and women are more numerous to groom and keep their child girls .


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