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Présentation De La Notion Idée Et Forme De Progrès En Anlgaise

Note de Recherches : Présentation De La Notion Idée Et Forme De Progrès En Anlgaise. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Janvier 2014  •  470 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 440 Vues

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Anglais Idea of Progress

Intro: The notion idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of arts, science, technology, liberty and quality of life. The Idea of Progress is about the breakthrough which can changes the world, or an improvement in differently area.

In the first place, we can see the technological achievement.

-The progress technologic is important today, because, the progress in the technology enables to the different person be happy, because there are various technologies, with various fonction as internet, smartphone, Ipod etc… So its variety of technologies may be suitable for any people. For example Steve Jobs, the inventor of Apple, and the products of his brands evaluated all the years, in the text Empire Builders, we can see that man had an impact on humankind thanks to his technologies as Ipod, Ipone, Macbook, because many people around the world have this object or want this object etc…. This article and the cartoon are about the same subject, the progress. So the text is in relation with this notion because is about the evolution of technologies. Steve Jobs is considered as a visionary, he change the world.

Jeff Bezos, who is the founder of the website Amazon, in a way he invented the ecommerce. So that is a progress because we can buy online and without moving. Only with one “clik”. He was the pioneer of the ecommerce because he was the first man to develop that. So it can be a kind of discovery, invention. So the article about Jeff Bezos is in relation with the notion because, this man is the pioneer and innovator in the world of the business technology. He revolutionized the way people buy.

In second place there are also the scientific achievements. As the PDG, is a screening technique which consists in selecting embryos

before implanting then into a woman’s uterus. It’s a technique which enables to eradicate severe disease, and thanks to PDG doctors want create medicines babies to save lives. And parents can choose the characteristic of their babies. So that is really an innovation and a breakthrough because thanks to PDG many lives can be saved. We can see that in the text B with Molly can be saved by his brother, because he is a medicine baby.

But there are also cons to this technique, it’s an open door to some drift or all the human will look like. And it’s not natural to choose the characteristic of our babies, they are not clothes or play, they are humans.

To conclude, there is different kind of progress, as in the scientifically, technological, area. The progress can be an innovation, a breakthrough or only a evolution, but it should always change the way of life in the world, otherwise, it cannot be called “progress”.


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