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Seconde Anglais devoir 4

Fiche : Seconde Anglais devoir 4. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Février 2018  •  Fiche  •  516 Mots (3 Pages)  •  609 Vues

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The invention I want to create is called “Scancolor pen”. The idea came to me when I was trying to redraw a portrait I’d found in the attic. I was searching for hours for the right color, and that’s when I thought: what if you can select and use the colors you see around you? 

I started to search on the web to see if someone had already come up with something similar to this item, and, after researching, I realized that no one had ever thought of creating an object to collect and use colors from real life. Of course, we have programs on computers like “Paint” and “Photoshop”, where you can use special tools to choose colors. There are also some applications on smartphones and tablets, where you nearly have the same thing, just simplified. But this is not enough. Even with the highest-quality programs, it’s all on a screen, not in real life. I want to change that. So, I decided to create a pen that can scan a color you see right in front of you, and then, you can use it and draw with the very color you have scanned on paper. 

So, I talked about that with some inventors and technological advisors, who agreed to collaborate in developing my idea. That’s how we got started thinking of what kind of apparatus we could create. We thought of a pen with the size of a four-color pen. There will be a plastic handle that will contain a small cartridge with the initial ink, a special place where the ink will be mixed and a final cartridge where the color to be composed will came out. This pen will have a push button on top. So, if you activate the pen, you can scan with the bottom of the pen, and if you press the button, there’s a tip with a pipe that will come out, and you can draw with it. The object that scans the colors is a micro scanner located there, and if you place it on a color, it immediately detects and saves it, so that the ink can be prepared and you can use it. You can also buy some spare parts to change the tip, so you can draw like a pencil, paint brush etc. This invention will be equipped with a micro-storage card, where you can save more than 1,000 colors. 

The installation of the machine, which will make the plastic for the pen, etc., will cost 20,000$. However, we have to pay this amount only once at the beginning, and after that, all the apparatus for one pen will cost 650$, so “Scancolor Pen” will ultimately cost 750$. 

This product will be a favorite tool for all creative people, but especially for artists. It’s very useful, and it’s a tool that brings us back to reality, because all the technology that we have around us makes us forget what we really have. So, this is a chance for us to use technology, without overlooking the world around us. 


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