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BTS SP3S: Anglais Devoir: 1 Ere Année

Documents Gratuits : BTS SP3S: Anglais Devoir: 1 Ere Année. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Mai 2013  •  490 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 096 Vues

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1.The document is an article entitled " But I am your son ... " It was taken from the Guardian and published an October 14th, 1979.

The text consists of an introduction of three lines and his is

divided into two parts.

2." But I am your son " means in french " Mais je suis ton fils " Dès le titre, on devinne qu'il y a un différend entre le parent et l'enfant. On parle ici que d'un seul parent notamment avec l'adjectif possessif qui designe " ton " et non " votre ", qui est en outre ici, le père de l'enfant.

3.This text tells the story of a sixteen year old teenager who is mentally handicapped. He has stayed at home with his parents since his birth. Now, his parents who have mixed feelings must make a choice.

4.To the hospitaln there are people more limited than David. David has found his place with them. It help them. His father staggered. David is useful for the others.

5. Sorry, I don't understand this question...


The father is tired of his son and he wants to send him away : Number 2

- David is a very nice boy but his father did not manage to accept his handicap.

Number 4

- David is a sociable boy in the hospital.

Number 5

- David has been staying with his parents for 16 years. Number 1

- The father confesses horrible feelings he had.

Number 3


1. mes réussites : my achievements (l.5)

2. tuer : murder (l.9)

3. il a un large sourrire : grins wickedly (l.13)

4. pardonner : to forgive (l.14)

5. j'étais très surprise : I was staggered (l.20)

6. chambre d'hopital : ward (l.21)


1. False " For nearly sixteen years, these parents looked after their mentally handicapped son at home. ( Introduction )

2.True " Thank God he was going to the hospital for three months. If only they could keep him there for good. " (l.1-2)

3. " Even then he looks up and grins wickedly " (l.13)


4.True " The nurse in charge of David knows him well and all who work with him spoke warmly of his humour, his helpfulness". (l.19-20)

5.Falsh " I was staggered, this boy; whom I have almost dismissed as useless, was helpful. (l.20-21)


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