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Anglais Devoir 1 - BTS 1ère Année: sur André Platzer

Commentaires Composés : Anglais Devoir 1 - BTS 1ère Année: sur André Platzer. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Avril 2013  •  372 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 347 Vues

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1: Complete André Plater ID card

Age: 30

Where did he grow up: Germany

Hobbies: Ballroom dancing

Job: Computer scientist

Company: Carnegie Mellon

What is he famous for: Andre Platzer is famous for redefining collision avoidance protocols for the Federal Aviation Administration. Before his software, certain rare, but plausible scenarios put the planes on intersecting flight paths.

2: Questions

1) As a professor in Germany, Andre Platzer worked on computers. After learning that there were no models that could test for a handful of factors simultaneously, he worked on creating a software that would.

2) Andre Platzer decided to built KeYmaera after discovering that there were no models that could test for numerous factors concurrently.

3) The problem with the FAA's procedures was that, under certain conditions, they would send the planes on another collision course.

4) Any domain that would benefit from calculating the outcome of several factors and combinations thereof can use KeYmaera. This includes, but is not restricted to, transportation and satefy agencies.

5) Andre Platzer asserts that a system had better work if you're to commit a billion dollars in it, as to ensure part of the investment does not go to waste; further corrections would be expensive.

6) As a software that has made many potentially lifesaving alterations to untested models, KeYmaera is invaluable in terms of verifying the best protocols and configurations for a given specification.

3: Translate

Quand KeYmaera a testé ce qui arriverait aux avions à des vitesses, altitudes et trajectories différentes, il a trouvé que, dans des cas rares, le protocole pouvait effectivement mettre les avions sur une trajectoire de collision. Platzer a rentré des scenarios alternatifs dans KeYmaera jusqu'à ce qu'il vérifie une manœuvre de contournement plus sûre.

4: Writing

A multinational corporation best known for its ‘Boeing’ commercial airplanes as one of the largest aircraft manufacturers, The Boeing Company yields a laudable revenue of over seventy billion dollars per year between numerous business units and subsidiaries. Stationed worldwide, with its headquarters located in Chicago, the company employs over 175,000 workers across its multiple divisions; on top of manufacturing aircrafts, the Boeing company is a prominent defense contractor, and owns many engineering and technology branches. With an excellent business record and an average salary of eighty thousand, the company is guaranteed to thrive for many years to come.


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