- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


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Par   •  11 Décembre 2017  •  Discours  •  1 172 Mots (5 Pages)  •  694 Vues

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Salers : quentin /Customers : Max, Alan /Tram

Q - Hello sirs, are you looking for something special?

M - Hello, yes actually, my son leaves frence for Italy next year for his higher studies. Me and my wife wish that he learns the Italian before being confronted with the life in Italia.
Q - I see, then all at first, to learn a language there is various way to do it.
- one of them is to imitate people who are already practising. Usually this one by means of known expressions...
This method allows to learn quickly the primary level or more collectively called the level A1

- the second method consists in looking at movies, at series subtitled so your memory registers the words unconsciously.

- the 3rd method is often used in class, it consists in holding words which are associated to images. When the person will see again these images he will remember automatically the word.

- The 4th and last way of learning consists in playing the playful video games which allow to assimilate the language while having fun

M - It is true that you look at a lot of series subtitled in English Alan.

A - Yes, I love that, I find that do not make me look at a series silly. I learn and I relax at the same time.
Furthermore I use frequently the method concerning the video games. When I make tournaments on the console I have to speak with Italians

Q - ho, so you have a good base in Italian ?

A - I speak Italian but more in the topic of the video games, however I would like to speak fluently it.
M - My son has to leave for Italy in 6 months, do you think he will be ready ?

Q - Of course, after that depends on your son, but he have already some bases. It will be made more quickly. On top of that your son looks motivated, it’s a very important element to learn a language.
A - Do not worry dad, in 6 months I would be bilingual.

M - You rather have interest!

Q - If you want your son can learn with videos during 7 days to confirmed his bases. It costs 20 pounds 75 but if your passed son the test before this deadline it’s free.

M - It's perfect that! What do you think about that Alan ?
A - I am downright for!

Q - Following this test you will be able to buy the complete program which will allow your son to be bilingual in a record time.

M - All right, but of what consists this program?

Q - It is very simple, it will allow your son to learn Italian by means of his faculties, like the eyes, hearing while being active..

Q- it is very simple, he will allow your son to learn Italian by means of his faculties pictures, hearing while being active.

M - Perfect ! And what about the price ?

Q- The program is for a price of 200 pounds, you can pay directly or 22 pounds a month during 10 months.

If you want we can make an appointment in our company to speak about it more in detail.
M- It suits me. Is it possible Saturday by 1 pm?

Q- We are not opened between 12 and 14 hours. At the end of evening would be possible for you?

M - I finished the work has 5:30 pm. At 6 pm would be possible?

Q - 6 pm It's perfect. May I take your surname?

M - Of course, Queffurus.

Q- Noted! See you on Saturday!

M- See you on Saturday!


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