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Anglais oral water polution BTS

Discours : Anglais oral water polution BTS. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Février 2016  •  Discours  •  493 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 211 Vues

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Water Pollution

So, we are going to talk about water pollution. First here is the summary

1. What is water Pollution

2. Consequence of this pollutin

3. How can we pollute less

I°/ What is water polution

Water pollution is the contamination of any sources of water ( sea, rivers, lake or even groundwater ). There is many types of water pollution, there is the pollution caused any plastic items that people throws in the water,

there is the industrial waste, here a picture of how the industrial waste pollute the water.

Then we have oils Pollution wich we call sometime slick « Marée noire » one the most shocking exemple is the sinking of the Erika the December 12, 1999 wich cause dammages 400km around his sinking and between 150 000 or 300 000 birds die also the oil is known to be cancerous and that may cause dammage to people who were eating fish that fisherman were fishing or people who were swimming around this area.

Last but no least we have Pollution cause by radioactivity, this pollution is very special, it's caused by Nuclear tests, War ( Hiroshima and Nagasaki ) or worse by Accident ( Tchernobyl – Fukushima ). It's an important pollution because she can stayed during Millions of years and She has different types of propagation ( Rain with clouds or even directly when radioactivity is in the ground. )

But of course there too much types of water polution, that's why we decide to focus only on the most important or at least apparent.

II°/ Consequence of this pollution

As we've seen in the first part any types of water pollution can kill animals either aquatic or earthly ( birds or any animals that leave around lake or sea ) They are kill directly like we saw for the Erika sinking or indirectly by animals drinking or eating things that got contaminated by pollution but that's not all

The other big consequence is that the ecosystem is getting destroyed, there is less drinkable water, less tree, less animals around contaminated area. And of course there won't be any animals around those area in the next years and that's dramatic. The destruction of ecosystem also touch any animals of humans and that cause a disruption of the food chain ( Exemple : Fish drink contaminated water, bigger fishes eat those fishes and finaly we eat those fishes ) That mean that we also get contaminated.

III°/ How can we pollute less

Even tho this pollution is getting stronger, we can change things on our scale

We can stop throwing any plastics bags or items in the water, not wasting the water, we can stop throwing chemicals, oils, medicaments in our toilet or sink because that's those who polluate the water

Chosing the right trash bin when we throw our waste

Using biodegradable object

And if you want more you can also joins organisation like greenpeace who defend the earth and do actions agains the


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