- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Oral anglais-BTS CGO

Guide pratique : Oral anglais-BTS CGO. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Janvier 2017  •  Guide pratique  •  255 Mots (2 Pages)  •  7 499 Vues

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Présentation Orale d'anglais pour BTS CGO :

Se présenter :

May I introduce myself ?

My name is X. I’ve X years old, I study accountancy in X high school.

During the past two years, I did two internships, one in a company and one in an accounting firm as accountant assistant.

I was in charge of invoices management...

Next year, I would like to study Audit Control and Accounting (CCA) in Bordeaux to become an accountant.

Ensuite, quand la présentation (assez rapide) est terminée, le professeur demandera de commencer la présentation du texte.

Introduction :

This document is a video /text. It was written by X and relesed in 1994. It deals with/The text is about…

Annonce du plan : First of all we will see… And in the second part we will develop…

Développement :

Première partie : Firstly…

Deuxième parie : Secondly…

Mots à utiliser dans le développement : Then / However / Nevertheless

Conclusion :

To conclude/In conclusion...

Questions qui peuvent être posées à la fin de la présentation du texte :

What would you like to do later ? What kind of job ?

Have you ever been to an English-speaking country ?

Have you ever been to a foreign country ?

What's your favourite topic at school ?

Petite liste de vocabulaire :

to my mind/in my opinion


that's why

I believe that

I notice

In fact


I feel that

It makes me think of

on the contrary

That is to say

What I mean is

This leads me to my next point

It reminds me

As I have said at the beginning/before

As you can see

On the one hand/ On the other hand


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