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Oral 1 anglais BTS CG

Cours : Oral 1 anglais BTS CG. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Janvier 2018  •  Cours  •  930 Mots (4 Pages)  •  2 106 Vues

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  1. BTS Comptabilité et gestion 1re année


         Évaluation 1 oral

 Exemple de restitution orale en anglais  

Good morning, Mr Penaud, have a seat please. So I see you’re going to talk to me about a press article, aren’t you?

Yes I am. This article entitled “Labor officials scrutinize a rise in unpaid interns” is dated April, 6th, 2010 and it was published in the International Herald Tribune. It was written by Steven Greenhouse. It deals with the fast and recent rise, in the United States, of the use of unpaid interns as an illegal source of free labour. This practise has become widespread enough to arouse the interest of officials and to lead them to finally tackle the problem.

The investigations have revealed that several companies are violating the law by underpaying interns or not paying them at all. There are only a few cases where employers can hire interns without paying them. For instance, the internship must take the form of vocational training, the intern must not take the place of a regular worker or the employer must not draw any immediate advantage from the intern’s work.

This development has been encouraged, on the one hand, by the companies’ concern to reduce their costs and on the other hand, by the students’ eagerness to add professional experience to their résumé.

The unpaid interns fear they might be identified and blacklisted by companies because they will be seen as troublemakers. Therefore, they prefer to remain anonymous when they are interviewed.

Not only are interns not being paid but some of them complain that they are assigned menial work that doesn’t provide any educational value. It only serves the corporation’s interests like the case of the student, for instance, who packaged magazines.

Furthermore, one of the consequences of such a situation is the increase in social inequalities. As a matter of fact, working without payment is a luxury that few students can afford. Those who can will accumulate several months of professional experience, thus boosting their future career while others will remain at the bottom of the ladder. This goes against the efforts universities have been making to accept lower-income students.

There is little chance that the interns’ condition will get any better while they continue not to have a proper status. Cases brought to court still fail to reach a satisfying outcome as was illustrated by a sexual harassment case which was dismissed because the intern was not an employee, and therefore was not protected by employment discrimination laws. ...

  1.   Exemple d'interaction orale en anglais  

  1. First, tell me why are there so few official complaints from the exploited interns.

Well, most exploited interns hesitate to file a complaint because they are afraid of being rejected, they’re afraid of being seen as a “troublemaker” and having difficulties in finding a job later on in the field they have chosen. That’s why they won’t give their names or the firm’s name when they are being interviewed.


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