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Londre, Rosa Parks et Nelson Mandela (document en anglais)

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Par   •  12 Janvier 2014  •  725 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 420 Vues

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London is the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the greatest cities in the world. It is an important business and financial centre. It is an intellectual centre, too.

Everywhere in London, there are open spaces: Hyde Park and Regent Park are the largest.

The City is the oldest part of London. It stretches from Fleet Street to the Tower on the North Bank of the Thames. It is the main business centre of Britain.

The West End lies between Fleet Street and Hyde Park. It is a residential district. It contains the most expensive hotels and restaurants. We find the most fashionable shops expensive. There are many place of interest such as Big Ben in the clock Tower, Buckingham palace, the principal London Residence of the Queen, museums, galleries and the University of London.

The East End includes large industrial areas and the port of London. It is the second largest port in the world.

The most famous historic building in London is the Tower of London. There are still traces of the Roman wall. The principal attraction is the crown jewels.

The second largest Christian Church in the world after St Peter's in Rome is St Paul's Cathedral. Its dome is 120 m high. Famous for its whispering gallery.

The tallest building in the capital and in Britain is The Post Office Tower. It is 187 m high.

The most important gallery in London is The National Gallery. It contains a rich collection of famous painting.

One of the greatest libraries in the world is the British Museum. It contains rare books and fabulous collections, old drawing, prints...There are Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquities.

Finally if you want to know the time or the way to the station, ask a bobby or the London bobby. You will never forget his humour and patient. Bobbies are the friendliest policeman in the world.

Nelson mandela

Nelson Mandela whose real name is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, Madiba = tribal name, was born in Mvezo, Cape Province in South Africa, on 18 July 1918.

Nelson Mandela is best known for his struggle against apartheid in South Africa. He was president of South Africa, following the first non-racial national elections between 1994 and 1999.

In 1944, Nelson Mandela already struggling against the political domination of the white minority and against racial segregation conducted by integrating the African National Congress (ANC). The Afrikaner National Party came to power in 1948 established the laws of apartheid. Nelson Mandela, became a lawyer, involved in non-violent struggle against the establishment of these racist laws.

The ANC has been banned, Nelson Mandela, founded in 1961 when a military wing of the ANC called Umkhonto we Sizwe.

Nelson Mandela was arrested by the South African government with the support of the CIA and sentenced to prison and hard labor for life.

Nelson Mandela, after the Soweto riots in 1976, became a figure and a symbol of the struggle for racial equality, it will be


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