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Bill Gates Et Nelson Mandela- Santé Et Techologie (document en anglais)

Dissertation : Bill Gates Et Nelson Mandela- Santé Et Techologie (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Septembre 2014  •  324 Mots (2 Pages)  •  921 Vues

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1) The world’s poorest people need healthcare, not laptops.

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is therefore regrettable, even unbearable that we refuse to contribute to the disappointment of individuals who haven't financial resources to ask for health care. Technology has always been intimately linked to human development because it affects the social life, so it allows to the poor and vulnerable people to live well but do not guarantees them to be healthy. The broadcast of technology works fine but it might work better if it enriches the poor by narrowing the gap between the haves and have-nots. Among the factors responsible for inequalities in health, technology is also one of the reasons to count.

2) Computers have to be put into the perspective of human values.

A computer does not care about human values simply because at first he maintains his fame and reputation. But it also has to be put into the perspective of human values as ecology, responsibility or benevolence. For that he must respect and realize the value of living, have a good autonomy and professionalism, and help users to good learning but also make joy. Because today, artificial intelligence who eradicates humanity, exists either by pure malice or in a failed attempt to be helpful. That's why today, computers should be equipped with "friendly" artificial intelligence.

3) Describe and comment the photograph. Who are these two people ? What did the photographer want to highlight ?

The photograph shows two unavoidable men but very different from one of the other, Bill Gates and Nelson Mandela. In his career, Mandela decides to fight for worthy causes such as racism, the struggle against AIDS and poverty. It cost to him twenty years in prison. Meanwhile, Bill Gates already undertook to expand his knowledge in computing to create Microsoft. The photographer wants to show the commitment of Bill Gates with humanitarian causes that Mandela defended.


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