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Fiche de lecture en anglais de la biographie de Rosa Parks

Fiche de lecture : Fiche de lecture en anglais de la biographie de Rosa Parks. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Janvier 2017  •  Fiche de lecture  •  641 Mots (3 Pages)  •  951 Vues

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Rosa Parks : My Story is Rosa Parks' autobiography. She published it in 1992, around 30 years after the end of Segregation in the United States. Rosa Parks is known for having refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a segregated bus on December 1, 1955. After her arrest, she fighted alongside Martin Luther Kind against racial discriminations. Since then, she is recognized as an anti-racism icon and had been called "the first lady of civil rights" by the United States Congress.

In the book, Rosa Parks mentions several times the life of her grandparents, her great-grandparents, going sometimes farther, evoking the slavery time. She talks about her childhood in detail, which is very interesting. At the age of six, she realized she is not equal to white people in the eyes of the law. She suffers a lot from that discrimination as a kid. The fact she is not equal to whites implies going to a school for blacks, which are not as good as the the whites' ones : crowded, unequipped and fewer so sometimes far from home. It is the same thing for libraries. Segregation also implied being treated as a second-class citizen : a lower pay for the same job, Rosa Parks' mother was a victim of this injustice as a black teacher. This way, black people were usually poor and forced to do the jobs the whited offered them. Many rules reminded the blacks they were inferior to the whites towards the law : the fact a black person could not call a white person by his first name, the fact they could not have a dispute involving whites without chances of being lynched afterwards; the fact they could not vote unless having a white person vouching for them.
With all these things, Rosa Parks explains she had misconceptions when she was younger. For example she thought the fountains for whites were better than the ones for "colored" people : "Like millions of black children before and after me, I wondered if "White" water tasted different from "Colored" water".

She tells in the book some incidents she had with white kids when she was herself a kid. What I find great is that she does not hold it against white people and keeps her speech unbiased. She could have been rancorous or simply influenced but she says "It wasn't that the white children meant to be as cruel as they were, but they had been indoctrinated with that type of attitude by the adults around them".

We then get to know the life of Rosa Parks as an adult, after she completely finished her education, which, as she recalls, only 7 percent of the black people managed to achieve back then. This part of the book is probably the most interesting to me because we can see how step by step, they're doing a lot for the black people's civil rights and we're pleased by these victories, even if they are small, like their action whose goal is to register the most black people on the electoral lists.

I really liked this book that centers on Rosa Parks' life and not only what happened on December 1, 1955. We learn that she has been a fighter her whole life and this is why she was determined in making things change. She is also very honest and do not try to make her life look heroic (the chapter about her arrest is very brief). She stays humble and does not incriminate anyone. I also like  her conclusion about how we should focus on being happy and making others feel the same way : "the more people there are who reach that state of mind, the better we will all be". I completely agree with that and I think it is a great message to share.


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