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Presentation Machiavel (en anglais)

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Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was born on 3 May 1469 and died on 21 June 1527, was an Italian historian, philosopher, humanist, and writer based in Florence during the Renaissance. He was a founder of modern political science, a diplomat, playwright, and a civil servant of the Florentine Republic. He also wrote comedies, carnival songs and poetry.

From 1494 to 1527, these are the wars of Italy: Italy continues to be invaded and looted (by the French, Spaniards, Germans, Swiss ...). Machiavelli's dreamed of a united Italy in which peace and stability would be guaranteed by a strong state. This is what will determine it to write his major work, The Prince, who had great implications on the political philosophy. From 1498 to 1511, he served as Secretary of Chancery in Florence and is entrusted with important and sensitive political missions it performs with efficiency and fidelity.

Now, we're going to tell you few words about the political situation in Italy in the 16th century. In 1512, the fall of the republic of Florence is the fall from grace.

It was during this exile on his land that he wrote his great works policies.

In 1526, he took public office. He died in 1527 without seeing the realization of his political dreams for Italy. Through this entire work, Machiavelli became one of the men the most influential and best known of the renaissance.

We can wonder how Machiavelli was in rupture with previous thoughts to the renaissance and his influence on the political philosophy of the next centuries.

II- Influence

Indeed, Machiavelli had a big influence essentially on political philosophy. But he's

more commonly known for giving its name to a new political conception, which is Machiavellianism.

Originally, the term Machiavellian politician pointed the interpretation of the work of the author Nicolas Machiavelli, in particular his book The Prince. It is linked to cynicism, because it exposes the art of conquest and retention of power, while relying on the understanding and manipulation of human emotions and popular. Indeed, the Machiavellian philosophy is that "the end justifies the means". All the philosophy of Machiavelli has been developed by Brigith. But Machiavellianism had an influence as soon as the 16th century. In fact, it was in this context that the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre of 1572 in Paris came to be seen as a product of Machiavellianism. There is also the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau who studied Machiavellianism, and said it was a denunciation of tyranny. But in general, Machiavellianism had a bad reputation, which is due to a misunderstanding of the true intentions of the author. Several great writers were against Machiavellianism. We can quote The Anti-Machiavelli, which is 18th century essay year by Frederick the Great, King of Prussia and patron of Voltaire, rebutting The Prince, and Machiavellianism.

It has always a negative connotation due to the misinterpretation of which he suffered in the 16th century.

But we can say that all the ideas of Machiavelli have had a significant impact, including on political leaders throughout the modern


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