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Presentation En Anglais

Mémoires Gratuits : Presentation En Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Juillet 2014  •  224 Mots (1 Pages)  •  897 Vues

Kenneth Dechant

INTRODUCTION. Mr Dechant outstanding dedication and resolute loyalty to the military, have made him a role model for the section. His determination and devotion for all the work accomplish over the years, are considered above and beyond what is expecting from him. With all the knowledge and skills he developed through the years while working at CMTT Borden, he has earned the best respect from all personnel.

DEDICATIONS by his technical competence, professionalism and devotion, Mr Dechant is without hesitation an outstanding worker. Always ahead of everybody to start working, we never have to ask him twice to do something. His knowledge that he accumulate during the years makes him on top of everything. When in doubt we can always ask him for direction. Mr. Dechant pretty much runs the floor. Without him it wouldn’t be the same. He is the one to rely to make sure the CMTT is always in order and floor is clean. He is an essential part of the team.

SUMMARY Mt Dechant exceptional leadership and personal example mark him as a distinguish civilian that represent the Canadian forces. His untiring and wholehearted commitment to all he undertakes is recognized throughout his peers. Through his selfless dedication and outstanding work behavior, he has gained the high respect of all with whom he works, and brought exceptional credit to the CF.


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