The power of the media oral bac anglais dissertations et mémoires
10 519 The power of the media oral bac anglais dissertations gratuites 426 - 450 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Is it the role of governments to eradicate inequalities?
Is it the role of governments to eradicate inequalities? The role of governements is to assure a well-being for its citizens, and the society generally. For this, they are implementing various policies in different areas to ensure the general welfare. But can the governments totally eradicate inequalities ? We will see that governments are planning several policies that help to contribute to eradicate inequalities, but they can not manage to reduce them entirely. I) The
780 Mots / 4 Pages -
Oral d'anglais bac pro
Men In Black I’m going to talk about how does the movies shows that the USA believe they are the powerful states in the world. And for explain that we use the movie Men In Black. First part the poster of the movie : Firstly in the first plan we can see 2 men, they have a futurist guns in their hands. They both a suit with sun glasses. When we see this men on
416 Mots / 2 Pages -
If music reflects the mood of an age, what can you say about music of today?
J.G November 25, 2012 If music reflects the mood of an age, what can you say about music of today? We have been playing music since the Ancient Times, but music has always had a different meaning depending upon ages, places, and generations. For example, the Greek’s and Roman’s music had a divine and beneficial dimension, while in some Native American civilization it had some evil power. But whatever the age, for the Eurasian people,
510 Mots / 3 Pages -
Reasons of the American Revolutions
Armand BEAUDOR 12/01/2017 US History Ms Jester How did new colonial implement by the British after 1763 change American attitudes toward the king, Parliament, the English constitution? After 1763, American attitudes toward the British government worsened drastically because of the British and American different views, as well as British laws. One of these nations’ disagreement was over which assembly should rule. British attached weight to the parliament, which governed the entire Empire and represented the
699 Mots / 3 Pages -
The excesses of globalization
Wordbox: global/globalization – a network – to connect – a principle – to participate in sth – an assumption The excesses of globalization A sweatshop is a factory where workers are exploited and not allowed (être autorisé à) to unionize (se syndiquer). You might not sweat(transpirer) in a sweatshop, but you probably work hard (travailler dur) and under lousy (minable, pourri) conditions. In a sweatshop, workers slave away in poor conditions for low pay (un
560 Mots / 3 Pages -
Myth and heroes: Which was the influence of these people (heroes) on the world ?
I've picked out notion of myth and heroes. First, I am going to give a definition of the notion, a myth can be defined as a story about heroes or tradition or false notion. A hero can be mythological person or superhero maybe an icon for peoples. Then I am going to try to answer the following question : Which was the influence of these people on the world ? I'm a first part I
369 Mots / 2 Pages -
Idea of progress, the bundaries of science
ENGLISH ORAL : THE BOUNDARIES OF SCIENCE Notion abordée : Idea of progress Problématique : Is scientific progress above ethics? henrietta lacks (book) implant to plug brain into supercomputers designer babies gender selection: in india, abortion of girls on the rise First I shall define progress: progress is a development towards a better condition and therefore it implies changes. Indeed throughout history we went from a medicine that treats to a medicine that attempts to upgrade
820 Mots / 4 Pages -
Notion idea of progress: Do medical progresses represent the idea of progress?
ORAL 2 I’m going to deal with the notion of Idea of Progress. I will illustrate this topic through the study of the progress in the medicine area. Progress is the idea that advances in technology, science, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. It is associated with ethics. Ethics is the basic concepts and fundamental principles of decent human conduct. They include the study of universal values, human or natural
744 Mots / 3 Pages -
Show the diversity of cultures in Britain
SHOW THE DIVERSITY OF CULTURES IN BRITAIN INTRO The notion I’m going to deal with is Places and exchanges. In order to illustrate it, I have chosen to talk about Britain and show its diversity of cultures. Firstly, I will concentrate on diversity in Britain, then I will talk about the links that exist between Britain and other countries. I. Diversity in Britain First of all, let me explain the origins of the British diversity.
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The art of welcoming, vocabulaire en francais
THE ART OF WELCOMING – VOCAULARY All-inclusive/include (tout inclus): all the hotel’s services are included in the package holiday (accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks and sometimes even activities). Deposit (Arrhes ou Acompte): sums of money that the customer pays the provider to guarantee a reservation. But the difference between Arrhes (you agree on the amount you must pay to create a contract which guarantees a performance and it is an advance payment) and Acompte (money
549 Mots / 3 Pages -
Cleaver’s Sausage House & the Implementation of MRP
Cleaver’s Sausage House & the Implementation of MRP Table of Contents I. Introduction Case Background II. Issues at Hand Technology Change, Management, Organizational Issues, Resistance to Change III. Evaluating Courses of Action Task Force/Incubator Approach, Coercion Approach, Organizational Development, Training Programs IV. Conclusion What is the Best Course of Action? I. Introduction Allison Elam, VP of Operations for Cleaver’s Sausage House, has had a proposal of hers shot down from the executive committee. The proposal
1 656 Mots / 7 Pages -
Idea of progress: In what way have the feminist revolts of the 20 century brought about a change attitudes and socail progress ?
Idea of the progress Hello, I would like to develop about the notion of the idea of Progress. First at all, I give a definition of Progress. Progress is a gradual betterment, especially : the progressive development of humankind in particular concerning social events. In the 20 century, women fought against inequalities between them and men. In what way have the feminist revolts of the 20 century brought about a change attitudes and socail progress
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The Idea of Progress: what are the promises and perils of biotechnology?
Ideas of progress What are the promises and perils of biotechnology? I) Positive points * Pre implantation genetic diagnosis (Gattaca) - couples: choose healthy embryos in order to avoid genetic disease. - and choose hair color eye color by gen. selection (although this could be criticized) * Design your Baby - Text B (p65) Because she had Fanconi's Anemia, an immedicable disease, Molly Nash, teenager of 15 y-o had a 7 years life expectancy when
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The century of ICTs
THE CENTURY OF ICTs The 21st century was mainly marked by the Information and Communication technologies (ICTs). Those technologies caused and are still causing great changes on our daily lives. From our way to communicate with each other, to trade, to move; every feature of our lifestyle is inevitably linked to those artificial intelligences. All the debates about the necessity and the dangers of this new high tech world make us wonder: What are the
1 334 Mots / 6 Pages -
The alienation of characters from their culture or society - Death of Salesman, Arthur Miller
Isabel Tromp Writers often use a character who is alienated from his or her culture or society in order to explore cultural or social values. Examine this idea with reference to at least 2 works studied I am going to explore the alienation of characters from their culture or society in the texts Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and Antigone by Jean Anouilh. Firstly, Anouilh clearly alienates Antigone from her culture and society
1 135 Mots / 5 Pages -
The idea of progress: to what extent can genetic engineering, eugenics be considered as progress?
Oral d’anglais: The idea of progress I’m going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress. It can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change in a given area such as in politics with democracy, transport, technology or medicine. All of these improvements are realized to make the world a better place. Through this notion I am going to talk about eugenics, a science which studies the methods of improving
794 Mots / 4 Pages -
Presentation of the 2017 handball world championship
Diapo 1: We are going to present the 2017(Two thousand and seventeen) handball world championship. Diapo 2: First, a little presentation of HandBall and its main rules: * The game: It’s a team sport, each team is made of 7 players. Handball is played almost exclusively with hands. The play area is 40m (fourty) long and 20m (twenty) wide. Both team aim to score more goals than the other in order to win. * The
523 Mots / 3 Pages -
Africa, the Spread of Civilization
Chapter 1: Africa, the Spread of Civilization Testing your skills Task 1: How can you explain the fact Africa is still underdeveloped whereas in the text, it is said that “but also certain languages, crops, political, and cultural influences spread outward from Africa”? (in two paragraphs) Correction Moreover, the contacts were not always in the same direction, and there is now considerable evidence that not only early humans but also certain languages, crops, political, and
428 Mots / 2 Pages -
Idea of Progress: the prohibition, for the better or for the worse?
Idea of Progress The prohibition for better or for worse ? beverage = alcohol = liquor = booze Introduction Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in therms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, etc. However, the idea of progress is still debate between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for think that it’s harmful. The Prohibition in the United States may be in this debate. The
919 Mots / 4 Pages -
The idea of progress: Could Artificial Intelligence destroy the humanity?
I am going talk about the idea of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence : a branch of computer
540 Mots / 3 Pages -
Symbolism, Shadow of the wind
The World of Books : Carlos Ruiz Zafon manages in this novel to bring books to life by explaining their souls. The importance of a book to its author and the affect it has on its readers is very well portrayed. Whether or not the book is a best seller, it still carries the soul of its author and of each of its readers. Forbidden Love : This book is replete with love stories. Lots
832 Mots / 4 Pages -
Myth and heroes: Why are sports heroes so important in today’s society? and How can art be used to criticize or denounce an aspect of the company?
I am going talk about the notion myth of hereos. A myth is a story that may or may not be true. There may not be records or other proof that they happened, but at least some parts of myths may be true. Some myths may have started as ‘true’ stories but as people re-told them some parts may have been changed by mistake, or to make them more interesting. All cultures have myths and
706 Mots / 3 Pages -
Th role of death in the poems of Baudelaire
THE ROLE OF DEATH IN THE POEMS OF BAUDELAIRE My M.A dissertation in the field of poetry is titled “the role of death in the poems of Baudelaire” This study seeks to answer the following questions: “What is the signification of death in Baudelaire’s works? How is death portrayed in Baudelaire’s poems? For the purpose, I have chosen four poems from his well known work “Les fleurs du mal”/ “The flowers of evil”. This
9 256 Mots / 38 Pages -
The role of death in Baudelaire's poems
THE ROLE OF DEATH IN THE POEMS OF BAUDELAIRE My M.A dissertation in the field of poetry is titled “the role of death in the poems of Baudelaire” This study seeks to answer the following questions: “What is the signification of death in Baudelaire’s works? How is death portrayed in Baudelaire’s poems? For the purpose, I have chosen four poems from his well known work “Les fleurs du mal”/ “The flowers of evil”. This
9 256 Mots / 38 Pages -
The idea of progress: why is India a country of contradictions?
The idea of progress Introduction I'm going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress. To define this notion, we can say that the progress is an evolution of a whole field or something specific, which then can make the world evolve. In relation to the notion, my topic is modern-day India. India is a country situate in Asia, beetween Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal. India is compose of 28 states and 7 union
850 Mots / 4 Pages