PESTEL Marché Anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 582 PESTEL Marché Anglais dissertations gratuites 476 - 500 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Un combo important: électrons, conductions et tension (document en anglais)
An important combo: Electrons, conductors, and voltage Say that you have a wire (a conductor), and you attach one of its ends to the positive terminal of a battery and the other end of the wire to the negative terminal of the battery. Electrons then flow through the wire from the negative to the positive terminal. This flow of electrons is referred to as an electric current. When you combine electrons, a conductor, and voltage
8 711 Mots / 35 Pages -
La pression de gagner de l'expérience pour le mettre sur le CV (document en anglais)
The pressure to get experience on their CV leads students not only to work for free in internships, but to pay for the privilege… if they can afford it. About a decade ago the word internships was barely used in a British context. There was work experience, but that was something you did for a couple of weeks while you were at school. Today, internships are both ubiquitous and highly contentious. There are campaigns denouncing
291 Mots / 2 Pages -
Débat en Anglais
Warm Welcome to respect our Dean MR Jean-Davis Avenel, my dears’ teachers and administrative staff and my student buddies! Ladies and Gentlemen’s, today we celebrate International Woman’s Day .While we can be proud of the significant progress already made this day reminds us that much work lies ahead to achieve true gender equality! It’s soon the end of our course, it’s necessary to find a work, to evolve in this domain, it’s there that we
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Étude sur les stocks des magasins ( en anglais)
The 1929 Stock Market crash was a result of various economic imbalances and structural failings. These are some of the most significant economic factors behind the stock market crash of 1929. In the 1920s, there was a rapid growth in bank credit and loans. Encouraged by the strength of the economy people felt the stock market was a one way bet. Some consumers borrowed to buy shares. Firms took out more loans for expansion. Because
782 Mots / 4 Pages -
Vocabulaire D'anglais
VOCABULARY : ENGLISH Characters : Suspect a suspect Détective a detective Criminel a criminal Meurtrier a murderer Tueur a killer Victime a victim Mort a dead body Cadavre a corpse Policier a police man/officer Témoin a artness Scientifique de la police a forenstic scientist Coupable a culprit Juge a judge Avocat a lawger Arms / Weapons : Pistolet a gun Sniper a sniper Couteau a knife Corde a rope Drogue a drug Fusil a rifle
6 338 Mots / 26 Pages -
Etude de cas: l'entreprise multinationale Nike (document en anglais)
Nike is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development and worldwide marketing and selling of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. The company was founded on January 25, 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight and officially became Nike, Inc. on May 30, 1978. They are 44000 employees in this company. This revenue of Nike is 24 billion dollar The Market The Nike's global market share in
293 Mots / 2 Pages -
Le mot Lol, est un mot anglais
Le mot Lol, est un mot anglais. Étymologie[modifier] Le vocable « lol », dans ses multiples graphies, provient de l'anglais et est l'acronyme de « laughing out loud », qui équivaut au français « rire aux éclats » ou « rire à gorge déployée » (littéralement « rire tout haut, à voix haute »). L'acronyme est aussi traduit en « lots of laughs » (beaucoup de rires). En néerlandais, « lol » signifie amusement. Si
527 Mots / 3 Pages -
Wellman International (document en anglais)
Wellman International is the largest producer of high quality polyester stable fibres in Europe. The company has been a pioneering user of recycled (“post consumer”) raw materials since the Irish plant was founded in the early 1970s. The business has expanded to produce and export 70,000 tonnes of Polyester Fibres to Europe each year. DFDS Logistics’ contract with Wellman, secured in September 2004, includes 4PL and 3PL logistics services including full shipping and distribution activities
2 121 Mots / 9 Pages -
Ben Carson (document en anglais) Carson From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ben Carson Carson being announced as a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the White House on June 20, 2008. Born Benjamin Solomon Carson September 18, 1951 (age 61) Detroit, Michigan, United States Fields Neurosurgery, psychiatry Institutions Johns Hopkins Hospital Alma mater Yale University, University of Michigan Medical School Notable awards Presidential Medal of Freedom (2008) Spouse Lacena Rustin (m. 19) Children Murray, Benjamin, Jr., Rhoeyce
1 066 Mots / 5 Pages -
Lexique Anglais-français De L'informatique, Du Graphisme, De L'alimentaire, Du Packaging, De La Comptabilité Et De L'imprimerie
Lexique anglais-français de l’informatique, du graphisme, de l’alimentaire, du packaging, de la comptabilité et de l’imprimerie. Abréviations utilisées ordin. = informatique, ordinateur graph. = graphisme alim. = alimentaire pack. = packaging compt. = comptabilité impr. = imprimerie indus. = industries, business Ill. = vocabulaire d'Illustrator Chiffres 1 oz = 30 g A above (adj.; Ill.) : précédent accent mark (n.) : accent [signe diacritique] accurate (adj.) : correct, bon, fiable actual (adj.) : réel, effectif,
1 386 Mots / 6 Pages -
Exercice de finance en anglais
QUESTION 1 Our Economy Y= C+I+G+NX C= 100+0.8Yd I= 300-1000i NX= 195-0.1Y-100(ER) ER=0.+5i M= (800-2000i) P G= 200 t= 0.25 M= 800 P= 1 a) G increase by $50. Calculate 4th year path of inflation, domestic general price level, national output, interest rate and ER NX= 195-0.1Y-100(0.+5i) = 195-0.1Y-500i Y=C+I+G+NX/1-mpc+mpct+mpi Y= 720-1500i/0.5 Y= 1440-3000i i= 800-0.8Y/-2000 = -0.4+0.0004Y Y= 1440-3000(-0.4+0.0004Y) Y= 1200 i= -0.4+0.0004(1200) =0.08 ER= 0.+5*0.08 ER= 1.15 Year Inflation (π) Price Y Interest
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France Télécom: La crise sociale, symbole d'une mauvaise gestion (document en anglais)
1- France Telecom, general presentation and actual situation 1-1 Presentation of the group France Telecom S.A is a French multinational telecommunications corporation in France, the largest in Europe and the second largest in the world. Actually, it employs about 180 000 people, which slightly less than half are working abroad and has more than 220 million customers in the world. France Telecom is actually present at the four corners of the world, in Europe of
2 323 Mots / 10 Pages -
Rapport De Stage Banque Anglais
Rapport de stage au sein d’un organisme bancaire presentation orale DUT TC 1ere année anglais LV1 I worked in three Crédit Agricole’s branches. The most important things those last time was to be able to adapt myself I was in the front office and I had a lot of contact with the customers, it required of me to have a professional behavior, it forced me to keep calm and not to let show my stress
204 Mots / 1 Pages -
Biographie de Samuel Barber (document en anglais)
Samuel Barber (1910-1981) is not widely regarded as an innovative composer of songs. His music is considered to be an extension of the Romantic era, blending Romantic sonorities and lyricism in traditional forms with certain elements of modernity. Like Brahms, Barber maintained his distance from shifting innovations in music and retained a musical language derived from earlier periods, demonstrating that this font of musical language had yet to be exhausted. Even though Barber was not
1 809 Mots / 8 Pages -
Anglais: la cour d'appel
The court of appeal - 2 branches : civil division & criminal division - 37 lords of appeal sit in panels of three - Sits in up to 12 courts in the royal courts of justice - A jury is never required Civil division Jurisdiction - Appeals from the High Court - A lot of work Personnel - Master of rolls is the president of this division - Head of civil justice system - Judges
343 Mots / 2 Pages -
Biographie de Jésus Christ (document en anglais)
Jesus Christ is important today for the same reason He was important on the day He was resurrected. Jesus has given man a way to be reconciled back to God. It is very important to know that mankind is on the road to hell. Hell as in the Lake of Fire that we are told about in Revelation 20:14-15. Jesus has told us in Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the
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Le groupe Baccarat (document en anglais)
o Baccarat: Baccarat was founded in the 18th century. The brand embodies the art of living in France. The brand DNA is excellence, unique expertise (25 France master artisans in Crystal confection), beauty, and culture, innovation; stimulate the sense, glamour, seduction, and celebration. The brand is always inspired by its roots, its rich patrimony to transfigure tradition into its creations. Using innovative techniques and exceptional collaborations with the most skilled artisans in the world, Baccarat
324 Mots / 2 Pages -
Vocabulaire Technique Economique Et Commercial D'anglais
Vocabulaire Vidéo n°1 Alliance = partnership = partenariat Reliability = fiabilité Bankrupty = faillite Catering = traiteur To put a brave = mettre un frein Tough (adj.) = dur en affaire Management = gestion (de l’entreprise) To downsize = licencier en masse Overextended financially = être surendetté Willingness = volonté Loan = prêt Chairman = président du conseil d’administration Outcome = résultat, issue Likely = possible In-flight = on-board Compromise = concession, compromis Wide =
648 Mots / 3 Pages -
Isle Of Man - texte en anglais
Isle of Man is a formed British territory of a principal island and some small islands located at sea of Ireland, in the center of British Isles. The island of Man forms a dependence of the British Crown, the island belongs neither to the United Kingdom nor with the European Union but raises directly of the property of the British sovereign, currently the Queen Elizabeth II, who acts as quality of Lord of Man. This
287 Mots / 2 Pages -
DM D'anglais
I) Poser la question sur les mots soulignés. 1) school starts at 8:00 a.m 2) she's crying because her boyfriend has gone 3) this book costs 30 pounds 4) they met yesterday in front of station 1) what has time begins the school ? 2) what she crying ? 3) how much cost this book ? 4) where they are met yesterday ? II) mettre les phrases suivantes à la forme négative. 1) she studies
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Les Explorations Maritimes Anglais Et Français Au XVIe Siècle
Les voyages d'exploration maritime français et anglais au XVIème siècle Introduction: Dans opinion, grandes découvertes XVIème siècle = espagnols et portugais. Premiers voyages de découvertes fondateurs et décisifs. Colomb, Gama, Magellan. On a un partage du monde est très vite contesté au XVIe siècle d'autant plus que l'Espagne et les autres puissances européennes sont en guerre. Contestation notamment avec les expéditions des corsaires anglais (Drake). Historique rapide des grandes découvertes et impact pour la situation
3 103 Mots / 13 Pages -
Anglais Devoir 1 Cned: étude de l'article « But I am your son ... »
QUESTION 1 : 1) Present this document : This document is an article entitled « But I am your son … » It was taken from the Gardian and published on October 14th, 1979. The text is composed of an introduction and the article divided into two parts separated by narrative sentence « After three months at the hospital there was an assessment meeting ». There are four paragraphs in the article. 2) Can you
373 Mots / 2 Pages -
Rapport de stage en anglais
ENGLISH INTERNSHIP ESSAY INTRODUCTION : I started my internship with Darty on November 19th and finished it on January 19th 2012. I therefore participated in two important time periods for any company that sells products: New Year, Christmas holidays and clearance sales. Moreover, I have witnessed the difference of people’s shopping behavior during those periods, the preparation for them and what happens after. I got to conclude that during these holidays, consumers seem to have
618 Mots / 3 Pages -
La Countreculture Dans Les Années 70 (en Anglais)
HIPPIES The story : The hippies are a counterculture created in the sixties in the USA and that has broadened all around the world. They were younger people who rejected the traditional values, the lifestyle of their parents and the consumption society! This movement began with the fight of the younger people against the American war in Vietnam. A generation that rejected the authorities. The ideas : A life based on the liberty, a
1 171 Mots / 5 Pages -
Le message de Bob Marley est-il pertinent pour les gens en France? (document en anglais)
Is Bob Marley message pertinent for people in France? Bob Marley’s message can be pertinent in France but not so as in others countries like Jamaica or part of Africa. I will explain you why. First, even if Bob Marley’s songs are listening all other the world, some themes evocated like politics, religion or Africa are more especially dedicate. “No chains around my feet but I'm not free, oh” Concrete jungle. Probably lots of persons
408 Mots / 2 Pages