PESTEL Marché Anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 582 PESTEL Marché Anglais dissertations gratuites 351 - 375 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Méthodes d'enseignement et stratégie d'apprentissage (document en anglais)
2.3 Teaching methods and learning strategy ESC Rennes teaching aims to combine general education with professional training. Its close links with the business community and the emphasis it places upon enhancing its graduates’ and trainees’ employability have led it to develop modules and programs which emphasize experiential learning and the combination of theoretical and applied approaches. Its continuing monitoring of the business environment has reinforced its belief that business today must be approached from an
768 Mots / 4 Pages -
Toni Morrison et Hanif Kureishi (document en anglais)
Toni Morrison and Hanif Kureishi are two English-speaking authors. They have different cultural origins and wrote about them. Beloved of Toni Morrison and The Buddha of suburbia by Hanif Kureishi are about origins. We can ask us in which way those two books show how the white society mistreat others ethnic groups and what are the consequences. In the first part we will see the harmful effect of the white society. In agreement with this
1 756 Mots / 8 Pages -
Étude du roman Big Brother de George Orwell (document en anglais)
Littérature Anglaise 1- The story begins in a kind of projection room, at the beginning of a day of work. 2- 3- Winston lives in London, Oceania. London is totally destroyed and disgusting. 4- The Party’s three slogans are: War is Peace- Ignorance is Strength- Freedom is Slavery. 5- There are four different Ministries in this government : - The Ministry of Truth (Minitrue) - The Ministry of love ( Miniluv) - The Ministry of
519 Mots / 3 Pages -
Les 3 clés pour garder un haut audimat. (Document en anglais)
3 Keys to Being a Top Performing Auditor Victor1558 via Compfight Internal Auditing is a profession that is open to quite a few different types of individuals. What I mean by that is, auditors can derive from varied background including accounting, finance, computer science, science, English, literature, biology, chemistry, social services, etc. As a result, it can be difficult to nail down the skills necessary to succeed. The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) developed an
575 Mots / 3 Pages -
L'anglais dans le monde aujourd'hui (document en anglais)
Britain has no formal written constitution. There is no penal code, only case law or jurisprudence. There is no “ English Academy ” equivalent to l’Académie Française and no legislation to protect the language from corruption or foreign influence. Britain is a Protestant country. The reformation of 1539 ended Papal authority. Protestantism is not a unified movement. Each denomination has its own liturgy. The accent is placed on individual responsibility in the presence of god.
2 123 Mots / 9 Pages -
Le travail des enfants (document en anglais)
The child labor Child labor is done by any working child who is under the age specified by law. The word, “work” means full time commercial work to sustain self or help the family. Child labor is a danger to a Child’s mental, physical, social, educational, emotional and spiritual development. Any child who is employed in activities to feed self and family is being subjected to “child labor’. Child labor is a very complicated problem
490 Mots / 2 Pages -
Histoire du drapeau britannique (document en anglais)
The English flag, also known as the Union Flag or Union Jack, is the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its composition is a powerful symbol of the history of the United Kingdom, because each cross contained therein recalls a step in the creation of that State. This flag is the superposition of three existing flags: the flag of England, one in Scotland and one in Ireland. Although Wales also
443 Mots / 2 Pages -
Biographie de Sitting Bull (document en anglais)
Born in what is now South Dakota around 1831, Sitting Bull is given the name of Tatanka-Iyotanka (Sitting Bull). He distinguishes himself early in life, killing his first buffalo at ten and taking part in skirmishes at fourteen. He continues to excel in bravery, fortitude, generosity and wisdom. By the 1850s Native Americans begin to feel the pressure of white expansion into the western United States. Some tribes begin to resist. Although there have been
518 Mots / 3 Pages -
Uniforme, dialogue anglais
C : Hello and Welcome on the livre show on actuality TV. This evening we receive Mr.Jean Jacques sociologist and author of the book : ideas about equality, Miss Landier Mary a fashion designer and teacher in one cambridge’s college, ans Justine a student his school. Welcome, M.Jean Jaques, in your last book you talked about equality at school. What do you believe of school uniform ? B: I think it’s very useful to reduce
301 Mots / 2 Pages -
Pestel USA
ENVIRONNEMENT (PESTEL) Opportunitées Menaces Politique • Régime politique démocratique sous forme d’une république fédéral • Régime stable où la séparation des pouvoirs permet d’éviter les abus de position • Les états uni n’appartiennent pas au marché commun européen et auront tendance à privilégier leurs partenaires de l’ALENA • De nombreux groupe de pression (les lobies) sont très influents sur les décisions prises par le gouvernement Economie • 11 % des exportations et 18 % des
558 Mots / 3 Pages -
La peine capitale (document en anglais)
Capital punishment Dying out Little by little, countries are ditching1 the death penalty On September 19th Abdul Hamid al-Fakki, a Sudanese, was executed in Saudi Arabia for the crime of “sorcery”. On September 21st Troy Davis, a black man convicted of shooting an off-duty white policeman, was executed in the American state of Georgia. Protests that the evidence against him was flawed proved fruitless. Despite these cases the death penalty, on the statute books since
468 Mots / 2 Pages -
Étude des entreprises Danone & Nestlé (document en anglais)
Danone The brand has been created in the 70’s after the merger between the two French glassmakers: Glaces de Boussoirs and Berrerie Souchon Neuvesel. First called Boussoirs Souchon Neuvesel, BSN started with 150 Em net sales in flat glass and packaging and from 1970, the group moved into the food business with the acquisition of the Kronembourg breweries. In 1973, BSN merged with Gervais Danone to become the French leader in food manufacture. In the
1 406 Mots / 6 Pages -
Anglais Cned: étude d'un document extrait du magazine “ Ceterer and Hotel keeper ”
Anglais devoir n°1. Question 1 : The following document is an extract from the UK weekly magazine named “Ceterer and Hotel keeper” published in the 2nd May 1991. It deals with the job of Waiter & through the whole text; the author gives us a preview of what being a Waiter means. It also explains the way waiters are seen, chosen and even educate in different country and shows that Waiter are not seen the
461 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: les jeux olympiques
The Olympics I chose to speak about the olympic games because news topic subject with the 2012 London olympic games. I have divided my presentation into two parts. First i will speak about the olympic games with its symbols and values. Finally, I will speak about the paralympic games. The history of olympic games The Olympic games are believed to have begun more than 3000 years ago. In 1894, the frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin
469 Mots / 2 Pages -
Biographie de Jennifer Lopez (document en anglais)
Jennifer Lopez "J.Lo" redirects here. For other uses, see J.Lo (disambiguation). Jennifer Lopez Lopez at the premiere of What to Expect When You're Expecting, May 2012 Born Jennifer Lynn Lopez July 24, 1969 (age 43) New York City, New York, US Other names J.Lo[a], Lola Occupation Actress, dancer, entrepreneur, fashion designer, film producer, philanthropist, recording artist, spokeswoman Years active 1986–present Spouse(s) Ojani Noa (m. 1997–98) Cris Judd (m. 2001–03) Marc Anthony (m. 2004) Partner(s) David Cruz
1 502 Mots / 7 Pages -
L’entreprise Apple (document en anglais)
Tg le mec qui s'endort Tg le mec qui s'endort Apple, the Apple logo, AirPlay, AirPort, FaceTime, iBooks, iPad, iPhone, iPod, iPod touch, iTunes, Passbook, Photo Booth, and Safari are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iTunes Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. AirPrint, App Store, Flyover, Guided Access, Multi-Touch, and Retina are trademarks of Apple Inc. iBookstore is a service
1 450 Mots / 6 Pages -
Poème en anglais
Oui, non. Les hommes sont fous. I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now But hey, what daddy always tell you? Straighten up little soldier Stiffen up that upper lip What you crying about? You got me Hailie I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dad Well I'm gone but I'm trying to give you the life that I never had I can see you're
670 Mots / 3 Pages -
Biographie de Zidane (document en anglais)
Youth clubs At the age of ten, Zidane got his first player's license after joining the junior team of a local club from La Castellane by the name of US Saint-Henri. After spending a year and a half at US Saint-Henri, Zidane joined SO Septèmes Valons when the Septèmes coach Robert Centenero convinced the club's Director to get Zidane. Zidane stayed with Septèmes until the age of fourteen, at which time he was selected to
790 Mots / 4 Pages -
Étude de document: Haunted by history's lively ghosts de Peter Newman (document en anglais)
This document is entitled, “Haunted by history’s lively ghosts” by Peter Newman and was printed in the Maclean’s weekly news magazine on August 6, 1990. This document discusses the injustices that have been done to the Canadian Indian tribes in the past, and the fact that these crimes cannot be forgotten. Some form of retribution should be given to the Indians as a matter of dignity and pride. Throughout history the white Canadians have treated
446 Mots / 2 Pages -
Le séjour de l'équipe olympique canadienne au Sofitel London (document en anglais)
MEMORANDUM Date: July 15st, 2012 To: All internal staff members of Sofitel London From: John Smith (General Manager) Subject: The stay of the Canadian Olympic Team in Sofitel London General Information As you may know, we will welcome the Canadian Olympic team in a few weeks for the London Olympics. (27 July – 12 August 2012). The hotel will be used exclusively by the Canadians athletes/coaches/managers during this period. This memorandum pertains to the importance
757 Mots / 4 Pages -
Les droits des armes à feu sont accordés par le deuxième amendement en Amérique (document en anglais)
Gun rights are granted by the Second Amendment in America, which reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." After the tragedy of Newtown Connecticut on the 14 of december Barack Obama announced to want " to make all the possible efforts to fight against such tragedies ". The debate about gun control is relaunched.
302 Mots / 2 Pages -
Etude D'une Chanson (document en anglais et français)
The study of the Song Lily by Pierre Perret. On la trouvait plutôt jolie, Lily Elle arrivait des Somalies Lily Dans un bateau plein d'émigrés Qui venaient tous de leur plein gré Vider les poubelles à Paris Elle croyait qu'on était égaux Lily Au pays de Voltaire et d'Hugo Lily Mais pour Debussy en revanche Il faut deux noires pour une blanche Ça fait un sacré distinguo Elle aimait tant la liberté Lily Elle rêvait
1 088 Mots / 5 Pages -
Idaho, United-States - étude en anglais
Ozcan Aydin 1ère S-3 Idaho Idaho is a state in the northwestern region of the United States. Idaho is the 14th most expansive, the 39th most populous, and the 7th least densely populated of the 50 United States. The state's largest city and capital is Boise. Residents are called "Idahoans". Idaho was admitted to the Union on July 3, 1890, as the 43rd state. The capital and the largest city is Boise, and the inhabitans
4 055 Mots / 17 Pages -
Révolution américaine des Lumières - Révolution française (document en anglais)
History: Enlightment-Amercican revolution-French revolution 1. How did the Enlightenment change political thinking? Enlightenment: It was a cultural and intellectual movement in the 17s. and 18s. Centuries. Political philosophy: Political philosophy was political reflexion about how to arrange our collective life through political institutions: laws, monarchy… They seek to establish basic principles. Conservatives: Tried to justify current political institutions. Radicals: Ideas of an ideal state that was very different from anything we have so far experienced.
2 585 Mots / 11 Pages -
Biographie de John lennon (document en anglais)
Early Life Pop star, composer, songwriter, and recording artist. John Winston Lennon was born October 9, 1940, in Liverpool, Merseyside, NW England, UK, during a German air raid in World War II. When he was four years old, Lennon's parents separated and he ended up living with his Aunt Mimi. John's father was a merchant seaman. He was not present at his son's birth and did not see a lot of his son when he
801 Mots / 4 Pages