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LLCER Anglais dissertations et mémoires


4 360 LLCER Anglais dissertations gratuites 576 - 600 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 24 Septembre 2020
  • Rapport De Stage En Anglais

    Rapport De Stage En Anglais

    Rapport sur le stage Internship made at Carline Truck International From July 9th to September 14 2012 Assistant sales manager Year 2011-2012 Iseg Business School SUMMARY Thanks Introduction I. The Company 1. Overview of the company 2. Distribution of the company Personnel 3. Products offered 4. Customers and competitions 5. Suppliers II. The Internship 1. The purpose of the Internship 2. Personnal reflections III. Conclusion Thanks I want to firstly thank, the entire teaching staff

    2 805 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Cathégorie Grammaticale En Anglais

    Cathégorie Grammaticale En Anglais

    CHOIX DE LA CATEGORIE GRAMMATICALE Comme pour les temps, ce choix ne présente normalement pas de problème, puisque l'anglais et le français présentent de très grandes similitudes à cet égard. Il s'agit donc le plus souvent de fautes d'inattention, que l'on élimine à la relecture. Confusion entre nom, adjectif et verbe Les différences entre noms, adjectifs et verbes sont bien moins nettes en anglais qu'en français, où les terminaisons permettent généralement de connaître immédiatement la

    376 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais Devoir 1 - BTS 1ère Année: sur André Platzer

    Anglais Devoir 1 - BTS 1ère Année: sur André Platzer

    1: Complete André Plater ID card Age: 30 Where did he grow up: Germany Hobbies: Ballroom dancing Job: Computer scientist Company: Carnegie Mellon What is he famous for: Andre Platzer is famous for redefining collision avoidance protocols for the Federal Aviation Administration. Before his software, certain rare, but plausible scenarios put the planes on intersecting flight paths. 2: Questions 1) As a professor in Germany, Andre Platzer worked on computers. After learning that there were

    372 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Devoir Anglais BTS Notariat 1ère Année: l'évolution de l'internet

    Devoir Anglais BTS Notariat 1ère Année: l'évolution de l'internet

    Partie 1 : Ce document est un article d’un journal qui se nomme : «  News week » paru le 10 novembre 2008, le titre de l’article est : «prévision du jour : nuageux ». L’auteur évoque l’évolution de l’internet, du stockage des données, des avantages et ses craintes face à l’évolution. Il existe différents noms pour expliquer ce nouveau phénomène que crée internet avec ce nuage qui stock les données. L’idée principale est qu’aujourd’hui, nous stockons nos données mais nous

    636 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Preeclampsia (document en anglais)

    Preeclampsia (document en anglais)

    Care Plan for Preeclampsia Tida Good NURS 545: Women’s Health Nursing United State University Preeclampsia Preeclampsia is also known as Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) or Toxemia, it is a life-threatening disorder that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period. It characterized by new onset of hypertension (≥140/90), proteinuria (≥2+), and independent edema (Norwitz et al., 2002). Preeclampsia results in 5–8% of pregnancy complications in the US and 5–14% worldwide. It is one of leading

    290 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Damien Burke et Gary Parsons (document en anglais)

    Damien Burke et Gary Parsons (document en anglais)

    Doubles team Damien Burke and Gary Parsons dodged the rain showers and ignored the tennis...words served by Damien, pics by both. Rain stops play As if the weather wasn't bad enough, Legends also had to compete for the attention of the great British punter with Tim Henman and his antics at Wimbledon, the on-off-on again semi-final being a hot topic in the commentary booth. Saturday's weather was mostly dreadful, although the constant rain throughout the

    1 729 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Aung San Suu Kyi (document en anglais)

    Aung San Suu Kyi (document en anglais)

    In 2000 Aung San Suu Kyi was again placed under house arrest after repeated attempts to leave the capital, Rangoon, to hold political meetings in other parts of the country. In 2002, Aung San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest and had the right to travel around the country, thanks to a Burman UN Envoy, Razali Ismail. After waiting patiently, Aung San Suu Kyi began to travel the country, holding meetings, where tens of

    482 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Dossier D'Anglais sur Gordon James Ramsay

    Dossier D'Anglais sur Gordon James Ramsay

    Gordon James Ramsay Born: Gordon James Ramsay 8 November 1966 (age 45) Johnstone, Renfrewshire, Scotland Cooking style: French/Italian/British Education: North Oxfordshire Technical College I chose this topic because Gordon James Ramsey became a good cook english. Gordon James Ramsay, he was born 8 November 1966 is a British chef, television personality and restaurateur.He has been awarded 13 Michelin stars in total and currently holds 12. Ramsay is known for presenting TV programmes about competitive cookery

    556 Mots / 3 Pages
  • L'Australie (document en anglais)

    L'Australie (document en anglais)

    First of all, I’m interesting to visit Australia. At first sight this state is very mysterious about many sorts of things. First the history of the first civilization of Australia is very passionate, the past culture, the “Dreamtime”. The Aboriginals ancestors are the oldest nation we know in the world. In my opinion I doesn’t like modern history or art, I’m most attractive visiting a museum about the beginning of Humans in the world like

    235 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Qu'est-ce que la politique budgétaire automatique? Qu'est-ce que la politique budgétaire discrétionnaire? (document en anglais)

    Qu'est-ce que la politique budgétaire automatique? Qu'est-ce que la politique budgétaire discrétionnaire? (document en anglais)

    What is automatic fiscal policy? What is discretionary fiscal policy? Generally speaking, fiscal policy is the use of government spending and taxation in order to influence aggregate demand and therefore the level of economic activity. Aggregate demand is the total level of planned expenditure in an economy and is calculated by adding four demand sources: AD= C + I + G + (X-M) Where C = consumption, I = investment, G = government spending, X

    644 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Service parts management, Purchasing Strategies, Product Life Cycle (synthèse en anglais)

    Service parts management, Purchasing Strategies, Product Life Cycle (synthèse en anglais)

    The Nether lands, Eindhoven, Apr il 2011 Student Identity Number 0548869 in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Innovation Management Supervisors: Ir. B. Mollen, Philips Healthcare Dr. Ir. W. van der Valk, TU/e, ITEM Prof. Dr. A.J. van Weele TU/e, ITEM Ir.Dr. S.D.P. Flapper, TU/e, OPAC Identification of Purchasing and Supply Strategies for Service Parts: A lifecycle perspective by Ronald Beekhuizen II TUE. Department Industrial Engineering & Innovation

    7 722 Mots / 31 Pages
  • Pensez-vous que le rêve américain est encore possible aujourd'hui? (document en anglais)

    Pensez-vous que le rêve américain est encore possible aujourd'hui? (document en anglais)

    Do you think the American dream is still possible today? Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck and published in 1937, tells the story of two men running from farm to farm as to get a job. They are lonely and destitute migrants and they dream of getting their own farm and animals, and to live in a peaceful life. In his novella, Steinbeck debunks the fact that the American dream is the ultimate

    232 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Anglais: Compte rendu écrit en français

    Anglais: Compte rendu écrit en français

    Anglais partie 1 Compte rendu écrit en français Pensez à indiquer le type du document dans le tableau de l' exercice 4 , rédigez un compte rendu en français du document «  Forward » environ 250 mots Est une société été internatio. nal ressources s' adresse à tous les acheteurs impliquer dans un développement durable et nous informe de ses derniers évolutions à ses investissement dans les développement durable en guyane français et l' entreprise est prés

    374 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les talents personnels (document en anglais)

    Les talents personnels (document en anglais)

    Nowadays, having strong interpersonal skills is an advantage in professional and personal lives and in this text, the author pretends that women more often possess these skills. To begin, i think that under « interpersonal skills », the author means the relationship skills, emotional intelligence, ability to listen and understand, ability to nurture talent, collaboration and partnership which are very important in business. It cannot be denied that interpersonal skills are the ‘Master Key’ to

    221 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Le fossé générationnel (document en anglais)

    Le fossé générationnel (document en anglais)

    Generation Gap is a term which is given to the gap between two generations-one the past and the other the forthcoming. Everything is affected with the change of time-the age, the culture, mannerism, morality, and thinking. It is a fact that this difference affects everyone extensively. This difference brings out a wide change in the making of the society and its culture. There has always been a clash between the two generations. It is because

    564 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Devoir Anglais: Exercices d’aide à la compréhension

    Devoir Anglais: Exercices d’aide à la compréhension

    Anglais Devoir 1 (écrit) Exercices d’aide à la compréhension Exercice 1 Dites si les énoncés suivants correspondent ou non à l’article en choisissant Vrai ou Faux. Justifiez vos réponses en citant le texte. Quand les énoncés sont faux, donnez la bonne réponse en français. V F 1. Jean Paul Getty est à l'origine de cette enquête.   Citation : ".....Jean Paul Getty, an oil magnate" (§1) Correction : Sanford De Voe et Sheena Iyengar

    937 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Synthèse sur l'export et l'import en anglais

    Synthèse sur l'export et l'import en anglais

    The term import is derived from the conceptual meaning as the goods and services into the port of a country. The buyer of such goods and services is referred to an "importer" who is based in the country of import where the overseas based seller is referred to as an "exporter". [1] Thus an import is any good (e.g. a commodity) or service brought in from one country to another country in a legitimate fashion,

    1 265 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Quels sont les différents points clés du Marketing ? - en anglais

    Quels sont les différents points clés du Marketing ? - en anglais

    Richard J. Varey declares “Marketing assumes the task of guaranteeing the conditions of communication and information”. This essay will explain how the birth of new technologies, such the Internet and the development of social media, have impacted marketing communication; and will explore the extent of these impacts. Firstly, the traditional marketing will be described. Secondly, how social media and the Internet changed personal lives will be explicated. And finally, the effects on marketing communication due

    1 376 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Anglais: Publicité pour le parfum "Nina"

    Anglais: Publicité pour le parfum "Nina"

    This picture is an advertising for the perfume "Nina" This advertisement is appeared in the French women's magazines: the Glamorous magazine. She presents us the perfume Nina de Nina Ricci, who is here the announcer. We can see in the upper right, the flavor with the name of the creator. We can see in the foreground on this announcement the flask of the perfume and its name, as well as the signature of the brand

    265 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vocabulaire Anglais Bts

    Vocabulaire Anglais Bts

    vocabulaire: commenter un document en anglais (epreuve anglais BTS) Reminder : S’exprimer à l’oral et à l’écrit A l’oral comme à l’écrit, il vous faut utiliser une langue riche et variée, des expressions pour organiser ou argumenter, des mots de liaisons et des tournures syntaxiques complexes. Aidez-vous de ce document qui rassemble pour vous tout ce que vous devez connaitre ! 1. 1 Organiser son discours Introduire l’idée générale: As a general rule = in

    1 412 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Devoir Anglais 1ère Année Bts Cgo

    Devoir Anglais 1ère Année Bts Cgo

    The document entitled "Labors Officials scrutinize a rise in unpaid interns" is an article from The Global Edition of The NY Times April 6th 2010, writed by Steven Greenhouse. It explains at first the current situation, if officials react, if laws already exist about this, and secondly more concrete. It means what unpaid interns really do, if they are respected and the heaviest consequence, inequalities between students. First of all, some companies use internships for

    379 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Art Et Finance (document en anglais)

    Art Et Finance (document en anglais)

    Deloitte General Services 560, rue de Neudorf L-2220 Luxembourg B.P. 1173 L-1011 Luxembourg Tel: +352 451 451 Fax: +352 451 452 401 Press release Corinna Trierweiler Marketing & Communications Tel: +352 451 452 334 Email: Art and finance services on the rise, according to Deloitte and ArtTactic’s second Art & Finance report With the global art market on the rise, increasing attention is being paid to the concept of art as an asset

    486 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Le Fast Food (document en anglais)

    Le Fast Food (document en anglais)

    There are several reasons as to why fast foods have risen to popularity at a substantial rate. Different people go there for their own reasons. One of the reasons is that the restaurants usually offer fast services. Many people usually find themselves to be late for work or school, thus they find it very difficult to prepare food in their homes since they believe it takes a lot of time, which makes them opt for

    441 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Burberry - SWOT (Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats) (document en anglais)

    Burberry - SWOT (Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats) (document en anglais)

    Analysis SWOT: Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats a) Strengths: Burberry has a global footprint; there are about 440 stores all around the world. Asia Pacific goes ahead of Europe with respectively 37% and 32%, in 2010 Europe accounted for 34% of retail / wholesale revenue and Asia Pacific with 33%. Americas represented 25% (27% in 2010) and the rest of the World still represents 6%. Burberry’s product distribution is much diversified. There are:

    501 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Déséquilibre entre les sexes en Inde (document en anglais)

    Déséquilibre entre les sexes en Inde (document en anglais)

    India is now one of the biggest developing countries worldwide. Its growth performance is spectacular in recent years. However, in spite of the economic growth, the country still has far way to go on the social side. In this article, I will mainly present the gender imbalance existing in India. Sex ratio is a good source to reflect the equality of men and women at a given period of time. The natural sex ratio is

    506 Mots / 3 Pages