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Traduction Anglais
Le stock(L'inventaire) d'appartements peut à vendre augmenter. Le stock(l'inventaire) plus grand(super) peut être particulièrement vrai pour des appartements en 4000000€ et la catégorie comme les propriétaires de propriétés hautes de gamme laissent(quittent) la France pour éviter des impôts(taxes) accrus sur la richesse(fortune) et le revenu, ou vendre pour profiter d'une réduction d'année de possible proposée par le gouvernement, mais pas encore approuvé par le Parlement français sur le capital(la capitale). Le marche parisien est chèr
1 074 Mots / 5 Pages -
Revenu de solidarité active Exposé
Introduction A l'heure où la maîtrise de la crise financière est au cœur des débats de nos parlementaires, rendre le retour à l'emploi plus rémunérateur que le maintien dans l'assistance et lutter plus efficacement contre la pauvreté sont aussi des objectifs qu’ils tenteront d'atteindre par la mise en place d'un outil récent : le RSA. Vingt ans après l'adoption unanime par le Parlement de la loi du 1er décembre 1988 instaurant le revenu minimum d'insertion
1 447 Mots / 6 Pages -
Étude de l'entreprise Areva (document en anglais)
Areva is a French industrial company specialized in the nuclear sector founded in 2001. It’s a multinational group with a commercial network in 100 countries and based in more than 43 countries. Its activities are linked to the nuclear power and energy: mining, chemistry, enrichment, combustibles, services, engineering, nuclear propulsion and reactors. In 2010, the Group decided to announce a major change to its organization of its nuclear and renewable operations and now its activities
490 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir anglais: étude du document FORWARD
FORWARD Forward est une lettre interne d’information du 1er Décembre 2009 de la compagnie « International Ressources », spécialisée en développement durable. Basée aux Etats unis ; Cette société s’étend pour ouvrir une branche en Guyane, près du port de Cayenne. Grace à la diversité des produits locaux, générés par les artisans et fermiers, le développement durable connait une grande expansion. Tous les employés ont été recrutes localement, y compris les membres de la direction.
312 Mots / 2 Pages -
Les côtés bénéfiques de l'humour (texte en anglais)
A meta-analysis of positive humor in the workplace Jessica Mesmer-Magnus and David J. Glew Department of Management, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, and Chockalingam Viswesvaran Department of Psychology, Florida International University,Miami, Florida, USA Abstract Purpose – The benefits of humor for general well-being have long been touted. Past empirical research has suggested that some of these benefits also exist in the work domain. However, there is little shared understanding as to
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Voltaire anglais
François-Marie Arouet (French: [fʁɑ̃.swa ma.ʁi aʁ.wɛ]; 21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778), known by his nom de plume Voltaire (pronounced: [vɔl.tɛːʁ]), was a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state. Voltaire was a versatile writer, producing works in almost every literary form, including plays, poems, novels, essays, and
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La culture américaine Vs la culture européenne (document en anglais)
American versus European culture The Europeans have created America and therefore both cultures have much in common. These two continents are not far from each other, yet despite their similarities, the differences are much greater. Those differences have grown with the time, especially concerning those fundamental topics, which are politics, nutrition and etiquette. First of all, there is a large difference between the French and the Americans concerning nutrition. Moreover, the French population will prefer
519 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais BTS Devoir: la redistribution d'argent au travail impliquerai-elle un manque d'équité?
Cette article paru dans l'hebdomadaire britannique, The economist, traite de l'équité au travail. Publié le 13 février 2010, cette extrait de la revue «psychological Science» relate la problématique selon laquelle la redistribution d'argent au travail impliquerai un manque d'équité. Plusieurs tests ont été réalisés au cours desquelles des employés étaient emmenés à juger, sur une échelle de un à neuf, la partialité de différentes récompenses attribués dans le milieu professionnel. Nous verrons que les participants
435 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir Anglais Bts Am 1ère Année: la communication
PARTIE 1 : compte rendu écrit en français Ce document est un extrait de magazine ; il rappel l’importance d’une communication claire et concise dans les affaires. Cet extrait est notamment axé sur la communication entre les clients, les gestionnaires et les employés, quelque soit l’organisation, et sur les différents moyens de communication. Le début de ce document traite la communication entre les clients et les organisations. Par exemple, dans les entreprises de transport beaucoup
441 Mots / 2 Pages -
Substance chilique (document en anglais)
Introduction: A chemical change occurs in a process when one or more new substances appear and is different from the original ones formed. Here we study a common type of reaction, which is the burning of a substance, here a candle. Energy, some oxygen gas and a combustible material (the candle) provide the means for this type of chemical reaction. The objectives are to describe the physical properties and change of a candle after combustion,
237 Mots / 1 Pages -
Collaboration internationale - étude en anglais
Making internal collaboration work: An interview with Don Tapscott The author and strategist describes why effective knowledge management within enterprises requires replacing e-mail with social media. January 2013 Source: Organization Practice Don Tapscott, an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto, spoke with McKinsey’s Rik Kirkland in September 2012. The following is an edited transcript of the interview. For more on Tapscott, see his new book (with Anthony D. Williams), Radical Openness: Four Principles for
843 Mots / 4 Pages -
Signalisation comportementale (document en anglais)
We outline a dividend signaling approach in which rational managers signal firm strength to investors who are loss averse to reductions in dividends relative to the reference point set by prior dividends. Managers with strong but unobservable cash earnings separate themselves by paying high dividends but retain enough earnings to be likely not to fall short of the same level next period. The model is consistent with several features of the data, including equilibrium dividend
460 Mots / 2 Pages -
Le comportement (document en anglais)
more support (16.6%). Again, while we might not expect managers to admit public destruction of value even in an anonymous survey, these findings suggest there is more to the story than the economic mechanisms driving well-known signaling models such as Bhattacharya (1979), Miller and Rock (1985), John and Williams (1985), Kumar (1988), Bernheim (1991), Allen, Bernardo, and Welch (2000), and Guttman, Kadan, and Kandel (2010). In this paper we use prospect theory of Kahneman and
399 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: texte sur une entreprise
his customers many of them pensioners cherish such bargains. they come in, on average, twice every three days, and buy just enough to put together a few meals. some economists consider such stores an anachronism , and blame small retaillers for the meagre productivity of japan's service sector. it is part of a 1 800-strong community of local co-operative stores harnessing the latest technology to win a retail war against the supermarket which it analyses
576 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais devoir n°1 BTS Communication 1ère année: étude d'une note d'information intitulé « Forward » de la Société Anonyme International Resources à l'intention de ses clients
Partie 1 Le document intitulé « Forward » est une note d'informations datant du 1er décembre 2009 de la Société Anonyme International Resources à l'intention de ses clients. Cette société est spécialisée dans le commerce équitable et le développement durable. Son siège social se trouve à Cambridge (Massachusetts) aux Etats-Unis et compte des branches dans 25 pays. L'information principale de cette note est l'élargissement par la société de ses investissements en développement durable. En effet,
521 Mots / 3 Pages -
Exposé sur Internet
1967 : Recherches militaires → ARPANET (universitaires) 1969 : 4 universitées connectées 1971 : 23 ordinateurs connectés sur ARPANET. Envoi du premier courriel. 1973 L'Angleterre et la Norvège rejoignent le réseau Internet avec chacun 1 ordinateur 1983 Définition du protocole TCP/IP et du mot « Internet » 1990 Disparition d'ARPANET 1994 Annonce publique du World Wide Web 1981 : Apparition du Minitel 1983 : Création du mot ”Internet” et du protocole TCP/IP (CERNET) 1984 : 1000 postes
202 Mots / 1 Pages -
Les légumes nous fournissent les vitamines et les minéraux essentiels pour que notre corps grandissent. (Document an anglais).
Vegetables provide us with the vitamins and minerals that are essential for growing bodies. Children should consume one to two cups of vegetables daily. Like fruit, vegetables need to be prepared slightly differently for people that wear braces. Hard, raw vegetables, such as carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli are tough to bite into with braces and may even pop a bracket off the tooth. When preparing raw vegetables, cut them into bite-sized pieces that can be
245 Mots / 1 Pages -
Texte en anglais
Your life is headed for a disastrous end. Everyone will die. That is a fact. Especially you. You will die. Your friends will die. Everyone you know will die. These are indisputable facts. Your body will break down and crash in one way or another. Your heart will stop. Your brain synapses will cease firing. 100% guaranteed termination. You and everyone you know has less than 122 years left. The oldest person alive was 122.
1 020 Mots / 5 Pages -
L'internationalisation (document en anglais)
Going global: Prospects and challenges I) What is the Internationalization? A company is growing internationally when she develops his activity abroad (outside his own national territory). The internationalization is a growth strategy by developing new competitive advantages. This strategy is considered as the ultimate step of development for a firm. A firm can have different reason to develop his activity globally. These reasons can be economical, political, juridical or technical. The internationalization offers many competitive
2 078 Mots / 9 Pages -
Vocabulaire Francais Espagnol Et Anglais
Vocabulario 1 PROFESIONES PROFESSIONS PROFESSIONS arquitecto/a architecte architect banquero/a banquier/ière banker camarero/a serveur/euse waiter cantante chanteur singer cartero/a facteur postman consultor/a consultant/e consultant dependiente vendeur/euse salesman/saleswoman director/a directeur/trice director enfermero/a infirmier/ière nurse ingeniero/a ingénieur engineer médico/a medecin doctor panadero/a boulanger/ère baker profesor/a professeur professor secretario/a secrétaire secretary NACIONALIDADES NATIONALITES NATIONALITIES argentino/a argentin/e Argentinean belga belge Belgian canadiense canadien/ienne Canadian chino/a chinois/e Chinese escocés/a écossais/e Scottish español/a espagnol/e Spanish estadounidense américain/e des Etats Unis American francés/a
373 Mots / 2 Pages -
Les magasins américains de poupée de fille vend l'innocence et les mères achètent (document en anglais)
The video was broadcast on VOA News. It deals with the last week of Christmas shopping for Americans. It’s a news report of American Girl Doll Company which does not seem to be affected by the economic crisis. The particularity of the company it’s dolls’ personalization. We can see a girl, who is interviewed. She’s name is Kaeli Chang. She has 9 Dolls. The doll with Kaeli looks like the girl. The journalist underlines that
231 Mots / 1 Pages -
Rousseau anglais
This article is about the philosopher. For other uses, see Rousseau (disambiguation). Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau (painted portrait).jpg Rousseau in 13, by Maurice Quentin de La Tour Born 28 June 1712 Geneva, Republic of Geneva Died 2 July 1778 (aged 66) Ermenonville, Kingdom of France Era 18th-century philosophy (Modern philosophy) Region Western Philosophy School Social contract theory Romanticism Main interests Political philosophy, music, education, literature, autobiography Notable ideas General will, amour-propre, moral simplicity of humanity,
571 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais la forme du Futur
FUTURE FORMS I’m leaving tomorrow BE+ING My train leaves at 9:30 Present simple I’m going to leave tomorrow (be) going to I’ll leave tomorrow will I’ll be leaving tomorrow future BE+ING I’ll have left this time tomorrow future perfect I hope to see you before I leave tomorrow present simple - Quand on a déjà pris les dispositions, que c’est déjà organiser : BE+ING Donc il faut une date ou un mot qui donne une
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Étude de cas: Godiva (document en anglais)
Hessenatie Logistics develops integrated sup- ply chain solutions. We always start out from the basic premise of creating value for our customers. This is value that can be measu- red in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. This vision is implemented in a process-oriented way, based on a formalised and clearly structured end-to-end methodo- logy. In order to create value, Hessenatie Logistics relies on three building blocks: customer commitment, vertical integration and horizontal collaboration. Customer
502 Mots / 3 Pages -
La communication de masse (document en anglais)
Introduction This subject is quite interesting: mass communication emerged in The XXth century, in the context of a new society, the Postindustrial one. Over the years it became a really important field of research. Mass communications appeared thanks to the society changes and the emergence of mass media such as TV, radio, and cine. Then it Not so long ago, with the emergence of Internet, a new kind of media started to appear: Now a
2 664 Mots / 11 Pages