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Anglais dissertations et mémoires


4 360 Anglais dissertations gratuites 326 - 350 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 19 Juin 2015
  • Biographie d'Ethan Frome (document en anglais)

    Biographie d'Ethan Frome (document en anglais)

    Ethan Frome is a novella written by New Yorker Edith Wharton, first published in 1911 when Wharton was in her early fifties. As a writer, Wharton was very prolific and constantly produced and published shorts stories, poems, novels and novellas. The reason Ethan Frome is one of her most famous stories is mainly because of this astonishing portrait of the poverty stricken inhabitants of the fictional town of Starkfield, Massachusetts, and the love triangle between

    882 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Les Exigences d'Admission et de Procédures pour Les Étudiants Internationaux (docuement en anglais).

    Les Exigences d'Admission et de Procédures pour Les Étudiants Internationaux (docuement en anglais).

    Admission Requirements and Procedures for International Students International undergraduate students must fulfill the same requirements as all other students applying for undergraduate admission. In addition, international undergraduate students must provide the following information: 1. Educational Documents: Official transcripts or Statement of Marks must be mailed to the Office of Admissions at St. Thomas University directly from the educational institution(s) attended. The official transcript or Statement of Marks must contain: • Subjects studied • Marks or

    1 427 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Anglais Devoir 1 Bts Muc Cned: Résumé écrit en français sur la remonté économique des commerces aux Etats Unis

    Anglais Devoir 1 Bts Muc Cned: Résumé écrit en français sur la remonté économique des commerces aux Etats Unis

    Devoir 1 Partie 1 Résumé écrit en français. Ce sujet traite de la remonté économique des commerces aux Etats Unis. Selon le REIS, une propriété commerciale a fait des recherches sur les sociétés, les taux de poste vacants des magasins et des centres commerciaux avaient chuté de 8,8% au troisième trimestre. Certains propriétaires ont eux- mêmes averti, qu’il fallait faire attention car ce rétablissement était malgré tout faible et qu’une remonté économique importante dépendait de

    578 Mots / 3 Pages
  • La crise économique : courte synthèse en anglais

    La crise économique : courte synthèse en anglais

    For the GCC economies and its Interiors industry, 2009 and 2010 were difficult years. The construction industry, that is fundamental to both, faced unprecedented challenges following a global economic meltdown, negative investor sentiments leading to numerous project cancellations, the political unrests in Bahrain and Oman, oversupply challenges plunging the rentals and sales in commercial arena, increasing attrition rates among expat labour force and similar other issues. It was therefore not surprising that the recovery made

    368 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Histoire D'un Esclave Noir (document en anglais)

    Histoire D'un Esclave Noir (document en anglais)

    First of all, my name is Ebo Anchoukaj, I was born on the September 18th, 1797 in Songea, a town in the South of Tanzania. Everything started on the October 15th, 1816 (I was then 19 years old), I was helping my father to cut wood near our House. I did little pieces of wood to start a fire. When all of a sudden, white men arrived and requested to me and my parents, in

    392 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lettre Motivation Anglais

    Lettre Motivation Anglais

    Lettre motivation anglais Monsieur,Dear Sir,Formel, destinataire de sexe masculin, nom inconnu Madame,Dear Madam,Formel, destinataire de sexe féminin, nom inconnu Madame, Monsieur,Dear Sir / Madam,Formel, nom et sexe du destinataire inconnus Madame, Monsieur,Dear Sirs,Formel, s'adressant à plusieurs personnes inconnues ou à un département complet Aux principaux concernés,To whom it may concern,Formel, nom et sexe du ou des destinataires inconnus Monsieur Dupont,Dear Mr. Smith,Formel, destinataire de sexe masculin, nom connu Madame Dupont,Dear Mrs. Smith,Formel, destinataire de sexe

    1 501 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Anglais: méthodologie pour écrire une lettre de motivation

    Anglais: méthodologie pour écrire une lettre de motivation

    Monsieur,Dear Sir,Formel, destinataire de sexe masculin, nom inconnu Madame,Dear Madam,Formel, destinataire de sexe féminin, nom inconnu Madame, Monsieur,Dear Sir / Madam,Formel, nom et sexe du destinataire inconnus Madame, Monsieur,Dear Sirs,Formel, s'adressant à plusieurs personnes inconnues ou à un département complet Aux principaux concernés,To whom it may concern,Formel, nom et sexe du ou des destinataires inconnus Monsieur Dupont,Dear Mr. Smith,Formel, destinataire de sexe masculin, nom connu Madame Dupont,Dear Mrs. Smith,Formel, destinataire de sexe féminin, nom connu

    1 499 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Eurorégion, transnational co-operation (document en anglais)

    Eurorégion, transnational co-operation (document en anglais)

    Euroregion. (Doc 4 p.) Introduction: Euroregion usually refers to a transnational co-operation structure between two (or more) territories located in different European countries. Euroregions represent a specific type of cross border region. At the beginning, cross-border spaces were created in Eastern Europe. (Carpathian area). Euroregion is an administrative structure. The Cross Channel Euroregion was created after the installation of the well know tunnel under the English-Channel in 1990. This Cross-Channel Euroregion is made up off

    595 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Diminution de la masse corporelle dans la natation ultra-endurance : Études de cas des nageurs transmancans (document en anglais)

    Diminution de la masse corporelle dans la natation ultra-endurance : Études de cas des nageurs transmancans (document en anglais)

    Example sports science dissertation topic 1: Decreases in body mass in ultra-endurance swimming: Case studies of cross-Channel swimmers. Evidence has shown that decreases in total body mass in participants of ultra-endurance sports such as Ironman competitions are attributable to reductions in fat mass and skeletal muscle mass rather than the previously attributed dehydration (Knechtle, Knechtle, Rosemann and Oliver, 2010). This paper considers whether the same can be said for ultra-endurance swimming, such as that in

    249 Mots / 1 Pages
  • L'usine Harvey Firestone (document en anglais)

    L'usine Harvey Firestone (document en anglais)

    Harvey Firestone Career - Contribution Harvey Firestone was an American industrialist, born in 1868 in Ohio (Columbiana). He started his career as a bookkeeper for a coal company in Ohio. In 1890, the Columbus Buggy Company hired him as a salesman. But five years later, the firm closed and Firestone was left unemployed. Being fired, he started to think about a new idea for tires. He wanted to replace the steel-rim tyres of buggies by

    618 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notre société de consommation est-elle hostile à la protection de l'environnement (document en anglais)

    Notre société de consommation est-elle hostile à la protection de l'environnement (document en anglais)

    Our consumer society appears unsympathetic to environmental protection. Indeed, the increase in production and consumption has inevitable consequences such as: selling out of natural resources, higher energy consumption, more household and industrial rubbish, more greenhouse gas emissions, and global warming. A consumer society produces new technological products every day, but the process of production is very polluting. Moreover, the consumer society constantly searches for new ways of increasing production, which in turn increases risks for

    236 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Résumé en anglais du film Forrest Gump de Robert Zemeckis

    Résumé en anglais du film Forrest Gump de Robert Zemeckis

    Staying on a banch in the street, Forrest Gump is telling is life to passengers … Forrest has a low IQ and had a handicap to his legs. Because of that, at school peoples laugh of him. On ly Jenny Curran is kind to him. One day, Forrest is purschased by bad boys, during this course his handicap is left and Forrest discoevered he is very good at running. This capacity permits him to play

    312 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Deux, trois choses sur Pablo Picasso (document en anglais)

    Deux, trois choses sur Pablo Picasso (document en anglais)

    "Yet Cubism and Modern art weren't either scientific or intellectual; they were visual and came from the eye and mind of one of the greatest geniuses in art history. Pablo Picasso, born in Spain, was a child prodigy who was recognized as such by his art-teacher father, who ably led him along. The small Museo de Picasso in Barcelona is devoted primarily to his early works, which include strikingly realistic renderings of casts of ancient

    302 Mots / 2 Pages
  • La loi international (document en anglais)

    La loi international (document en anglais)

    International law International law is a body of legal rules, regulations and accepted practices by which countries, organizations and people throughout the world interact with each other and with citizens of different countries. There are two basic categories of this type of law: public and private. Public international law deals with relationships between nations or between a nation and organizations or people from other countries. Private international law deals with disputes between citizens of different

    2 665 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Méthodes d'enseignement et stratégie d'apprentissage (document en anglais)

    Méthodes d'enseignement et stratégie d'apprentissage (document en anglais)

    2.3 Teaching methods and learning strategy ESC Rennes teaching aims to combine general education with professional training. Its close links with the business community and the emphasis it places upon enhancing its graduates’ and trainees’ employability have led it to develop modules and programs which emphasize experiential learning and the combination of theoretical and applied approaches. Its continuing monitoring of the business environment has reinforced its belief that business today must be approached from an

    768 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Toni Morrison et Hanif Kureishi (document en anglais)

    Toni Morrison et Hanif Kureishi (document en anglais)

    Toni Morrison and Hanif Kureishi are two English-speaking authors. They have different cultural origins and wrote about them. Beloved of Toni Morrison and The Buddha of suburbia by Hanif Kureishi are about origins. We can ask us in which way those two books show how the white society mistreat others ethnic groups and what are the consequences. In the first part we will see the harmful effect of the white society. In agreement with this

    1 756 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Étude du roman Big Brother de George Orwell (document en anglais)

    Étude du roman Big Brother de George Orwell (document en anglais)

    Littérature Anglaise 1- The story begins in a kind of projection room, at the beginning of a day of work. 2- 3- Winston lives in London, Oceania. London is totally destroyed and disgusting. 4- The Party’s three slogans are: War is Peace- Ignorance is Strength- Freedom is Slavery. 5- There are four different Ministries in this government : - The Ministry of Truth (Minitrue) - The Ministry of love ( Miniluv) - The Ministry of

    519 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Les 3 clés pour garder un haut audimat. (Document en anglais)

    Les 3 clés pour garder un haut audimat. (Document en anglais)

    3 Keys to Being a Top Performing Auditor Victor1558 via Compfight Internal Auditing is a profession that is open to quite a few different types of individuals. What I mean by that is, auditors can derive from varied background including accounting, finance, computer science, science, English, literature, biology, chemistry, social services, etc. As a result, it can be difficult to nail down the skills necessary to succeed. The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) developed an

    575 Mots / 3 Pages
  • L'anglais dans le monde aujourd'hui (document en anglais)

    L'anglais dans le monde aujourd'hui (document en anglais)

    Britain has no formal written constitution. There is no penal code, only case law or jurisprudence. There is no “ English Academy ” equivalent to l’Académie Française and no legislation to protect the language from corruption or foreign influence. Britain is a Protestant country. The reformation of 1539 ended Papal authority. Protestantism is not a unified movement. Each denomination has its own liturgy. The accent is placed on individual responsibility in the presence of god.

    2 123 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Le travail des enfants (document en anglais)

    Le travail des enfants (document en anglais)

    The child labor Child labor is done by any working child who is under the age specified by law. The word, “work” means full time commercial work to sustain self or help the family. Child labor is a danger to a Child’s mental, physical, social, educational, emotional and spiritual development. Any child who is employed in activities to feed self and family is being subjected to “child labor’. Child labor is a very complicated problem

    490 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Histoire du drapeau britannique (document en anglais)

    Histoire du drapeau britannique (document en anglais)

    The English flag, also known as the Union Flag or Union Jack, is the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its composition is a powerful symbol of the history of the United Kingdom, because each cross contained therein recalls a step in the creation of that State. This flag is the superposition of three existing flags: the flag of England, one in Scotland and one in Ireland. Although Wales also

    443 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Biographie de Sitting Bull (document en anglais)

    Biographie de Sitting Bull (document en anglais)

    Born in what is now South Dakota around 1831, Sitting Bull is given the name of Tatanka-Iyotanka (Sitting Bull). He distinguishes himself early in life, killing his first buffalo at ten and taking part in skirmishes at fourteen. He continues to excel in bravery, fortitude, generosity and wisdom. By the 1850s Native Americans begin to feel the pressure of white expansion into the western United States. Some tribes begin to resist. Although there have been

    518 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Uniforme, dialogue anglais

    Uniforme, dialogue anglais

    C : Hello and Welcome on the livre show on actuality TV. This evening we receive Mr.Jean Jacques sociologist and author of the book : ideas about equality, Miss Landier Mary a fashion designer and teacher in one cambridge’s college, ans Justine a student his school. Welcome, M.Jean Jaques, in your last book you talked about equality at school. What do you believe of school uniform ? B: I think it’s very useful to reduce

    301 Mots / 2 Pages
  • La peine capitale (document en anglais)

    La peine capitale (document en anglais)

    Capital punishment Dying out Little by little, countries are ditching1 the death penalty On September 19th Abdul Hamid al-Fakki, a Sudanese, was executed in Saudi Arabia for the crime of “sorcery”. On September 21st Troy Davis, a black man convicted of shooting an off-duty white policeman, was executed in the American state of Georgia. Protests that the evidence against him was flawed proved fruitless. Despite these cases the death penalty, on the statute books since

    468 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Étude des entreprises Danone & Nestlé (document en anglais)

    Étude des entreprises Danone & Nestlé (document en anglais)

    Danone The brand has been created in the 70’s after the merger between the two French glassmakers: Glaces de Boussoirs and Berrerie Souchon Neuvesel. First called Boussoirs Souchon Neuvesel, BSN started with 150 Em net sales in flat glass and packaging and from 1970, the group moved into the food business with the acquisition of the Kronembourg breweries. In 1973, BSN merged with Gervais Danone to become the French leader in food manufacture. In the

    1 406 Mots / 6 Pages