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Anglais CNED dissertations et mémoires


5 334 Anglais CNED dissertations gratuites 176 - 200 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 20 Juin 2015
  • Vocabulaire Anglais

    Vocabulaire Anglais

    Appareil : appliance Que… ou que : wether … or Pertinent : significant Mener à bien : to carry out, to achieve En attente : pending Agencement disposition : a lay out Une voiture de fonction : a compagny car Un ticket restaurant : a lunch voucher Stock option : profit sharing sheme Un plat : a dish Chiffres d’affaire : sales figures Matière première : raw materials La porté, l’étendu : the scope Bois

    493 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Devoir Cned

    Devoir Cned

    Question 1 Nous pouvons noter dans les trois textes la présence de l’indice de première personne « je ».Dans l’extrait intitulé « Des Cannibales », il s’agit de l’auteur, Montaigne, puisque les Essais sont une oeuvre à caractère autobiographique. Dans le texte de Fontenelle, extrait des Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes, le personnage qui dit « je » est un philosophe qui débat avec une marquise ; on peut supposer qu’il n’est pas sans

    2 219 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Résumé des principes généraux de gestion par Fayol (document en anglais)

    Résumé des principes généraux de gestion par Fayol (document en anglais)

    The managerial function operates only on the personnel and is particularly difficult to master as it is all a question of proportion while playing with flexible principles. In this text, Fayol is enumerating several of these principles. First, a company should be directed by a single person that will decide for common plans and strategies for the whole organization so as to maintain a corporate cohesion. Moreover, each worker should be led by only one

    436 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Qu'est-ce que le mercantilisme et pourquoi sommes-nous sous cette doctrine économique? (document en anglais)

    Qu'est-ce que le mercantilisme et pourquoi sommes-nous sous cette doctrine économique? (document en anglais)

    In the 18th century, we were under the age of mercantilism, but what is the mercantilism and why we are under this economic doctrine? First, mercantilism is a doctrine which was led by the government; it allowed people to protect the British trade in controlling the foreign trade by using high taxes against the foreign traders and by developing the trade with the colonies of the Kingdom. But why was mercantilism adopted in the Kingdom

    1 416 Mots / 6 Pages
  • La mise en place de l'euro et la crie économique -synthèse en anglais

    La mise en place de l'euro et la crie économique -synthèse en anglais

    Subject #1: “The euro area has experienced a severe recession, followed by a sovereign debt crisis. Swift policy action helped to stabilize the economy and a modest recovery is now underway, although risks remain. Structural reforms would facilitate on-going economic adjustment and lift growth prospects. Excessive economic, financial and fiscal imbalances built up in some euro area countries during the upswing, misallocating resources and creating growing vulnerabilities. Diverging pressures on national economies were compounded by

    5 236 Mots / 21 Pages
  • Rapport en anglais

    Rapport en anglais

    IMy name is and I am at present in first year of bts Muc, I made my first training course in an auction of feminine clothes called Tally Weijl situated to the shopping mall Forum of Les Halles to Châtelet. My period of training course was of 2 weeks, I chose to make my training course over there because the women's fashion always interested me; we were 4 trainees and I worked from 1 pm

    303 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Autodidacte VS étudier à L'école (document en anglais)

    Autodidacte VS étudier à L'école (document en anglais)

    Zineb H. is a Moroccan business woman who decided to learn by herself. Like her, other people made the decision to become business people without studying entrepreneurial management at school; for example we can quote Charles Darwin with his evolution theory or Steve Jobs with his famous company: Apple. These people have succeeded apart from educational system and it can be a proof of self-taught effectiveness; but the choice to learn by oneself is most

    1 203 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Finance Islamique (document en anglais)

    Finance Islamique (document en anglais)

    Introduction By 2010, Islamic finance is estimated at nearly 1,000 billion $ (700 billions €) of assets, but more importantly, growth in the next 5 years is predicted to be 2 times faster than the conventional finance (about 15% per year). Western banks increase the supply of funds managed "Islamic", not hesitating to move directly into Muslim countries. Thus, U.B.S. (Union Bank of Switzerland) opened in 2002, after Citigroup, a branch in Bahrain, Noriba Bank.

    2 564 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Civilisation Britannique: Politique Britannique, économie et société au XXè siècle (document en anglais)

    Civilisation Britannique: Politique Britannique, économie et société au XXè siècle (document en anglais)

    BRITISH CIVILISATION: BRITISH POLITICS, ECONOMY AND SOCIETY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY I. 1900-1939 A. INTRODUCTION TO THE POLITICAL SYSTEM → The ‘British Democracy’ is very old: it has functioned alongside the monarchy from as early as the twelfth century (creation of Parliament). The House of Lords limited the individual power of the King. → As time passed, the power of the House of Lords decreased, while the power of the House of Commons increased, until

    4 134 Mots / 17 Pages
  • Verbes Irréguliers Anglais

    Verbes Irréguliers Anglais

    Base verbale - Prétérit - Participe Passé - Traduction be - was/were - been - être bear - bore - borne - supporter become - became - become - devenir begin - began - begun - commencer bet - bet - bet - parier bite - bit - bitten - mordre blow - blew - blown - souffler break - broke - broken - casser bring - brought - brought - apporter build - built

    317 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Corrigé Devoir Management Des Entreprise Cned 2eme Année: l'entreprise SDB

    Corrigé Devoir Management Des Entreprise Cned 2eme Année: l'entreprise SDB

    QUESTION 1 : Organigramme de l’entreprise SDB (année 2000) QUESTION N°2 : La structure organisationnelle de SDB en 2000 est de type « fonctionnelle ». En effet la division horizontale du travail s’opère d’abord en séparant les grandes fonctions de l’entreprise. Les responsabilités sont établies par fonction. QUESTION N°3 : L’organigramme permet de décrire l’aspect formel de la structure (c’est-à-dire la responsabilité de chacun) mais pas l’aspect informel (l’organisation réel de l’entreprise, ou différents litige).

    375 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Analyse et comparaison de deux théories De Motivation: De "contenue" et De "procédé" (document en anglais)

    Analyse et comparaison de deux théories De Motivation: De "contenue" et De "procédé" (document en anglais)

    Nowadays, employee motivation is seen as something essential for the management of a company. Indeed, people spend most of their time in their workplace therefore, it is very important and even crucial that management staff find the best way to motivate their workforce in order to have an effective organization. Defining motivation at work is relatively complex because there exists many different approaches to this concept. Nevertheless, it is possible to define motivation as a

    2 143 Mots / 9 Pages
  • ACRC Sport Cp (document en anglais).

    ACRC Sport Cp (document en anglais).

    "Runner" redirects here. For other uses, see Runner (disambiguation). This article is about the type of locomotion in humans. For running in horses, see Horse gait. For locomotion in dogs, see Gait (dog). For general locomotion, see Gait. For other uses, see Running (disambiguation). Eadweard Muybridge photo sequence People running at the 2007 Brussels 20K Running is a means of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. It is simply

    1 263 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Architecture d'entreprise et modularisation dans la R&D des télécoms (document en anglais)

    Architecture d'entreprise et modularisation dans la R&D des télécoms (document en anglais)

    Enterprise Architecture and Modularization in Telco R&D as a Response to an Environment of Technological Uncertainty Heinrich M. Arnold, Michal Dunaj, Deutsche Telekom AG, Laboratories, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin Abstract - IP networks have reached a level of quality and performance that is adequate for as operator infrastructures; the innovation space of telco operators converges with the innovation space of web based IP services. Thus innovation in the telco domain is no longer

    3 118 Mots / 13 Pages
  • CV rédigé en anglais

    CV rédigé en anglais

    As a multicultural and multi-lingual executive in corporate sales and marketing management (new brands entry, organization audit, performance management and team management), I have an excellent track record of business and budget management in industries such as automotive, manufacturing, equine. I am looking to join an international organization and to provide leadership for its strategic projects CAREER HIGHLIGHTS  Presently I am managing two branches budget and target of the largest automotive company in Egypt

    658 Mots / 3 Pages
  • PDG Hubris et entreprise prise de risque en Chine: le rôle modérateur de la discrétion de gestion (doucment en anglais)

    PDG Hubris et entreprise prise de risque en Chine: le rôle modérateur de la discrétion de gestion (doucment en anglais)

    CEO HUBRIS AND FIRM RISK TAKING IN CHINA: THE MODERATING ROLE OF MANAGERIAL DISCRETION JIATAO LI Hong Kong University of Science and Technology YI TANG Hong Kong Polytechnic University This study linked CEO hubris to firm risk taking and examined the moderating role of managerial discretion in this relationship. Drawing on upper echelons theory and behavioral decision theory, we developed and tested hypotheses using original survey data from 2,790 CEOs of diverse manufacturing firms in

    480 Mots / 2 Pages
  • MUC - Anglais

    MUC - Anglais

    PART 1 : COMPREHENSION ( 20 PTS ) Les textes sont des extraits d'article du magasine BusinessWeek . Le premier s'intitule, Coke promises a probe in Colombia, il est écrit par Dean Foust et a été publié on le 6 Fevrier 2006. Le second s'intitule, A social strategist for Wal Mart, il est écrit par Aaron Bernstein et a également été publié le 6 Fevrier 2006. Nous pouvons faire le lien entre ces deux articles

    311 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Présentation Orale Anglais

    Présentation Orale Anglais

    The Skills and Language of Making Presentations in English A Handbook for Trainers and Students ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Before we start 2. Knowing your audience 3. A clear objective 4. Brainstorming and choosing material 5. Rhetorical questions 6. A strong introduction 7. A clear structure 8. Spoken language 9. Body language 10. Visual aids 11. Rehearsal 12. Making Notes 13. Summarising, concluding and closing 14. Asking for questions and answering them ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Before we start

    2 591 Mots / 11 Pages
  • "in To The Wild" (Dans la nature) Résumer En Anglais.

    "in To The Wild" (Dans la nature) Résumer En Anglais.

    END OF THE TRAIL Lured by idealism or demons unknown, hiker Christopher McCandless found a lonely death in Alaska. by Jean Deneufbourg Christopher McCandless was born in 1968 in the state of Washington, where he still lived during his Childhood. Chris McCandless was an intelligent, extremely intense young man with a streak of stubborn idealism. He grew up in a wealthy suburb of Washington D.C, where he succeeded both academically and athletically. He graduated from

    288 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Déclaration De Bandung (document en anglais)

    Déclaration De Bandung (document en anglais)

    Page 1 of 5 The Voice of Children and Youth for Rio+20 2011 Tunza International Children and Youth Conference Bandung Declaration October 1, 2011 §1 We, the delegates to the 2011 Tunza International Children and Youth Conference representing 118 different countries, are united in calling upon world leaders to move to a sustainable development pathway that safeguards the Earth and its people for our generation and generations to come. We urge governments to respond to

    1 457 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Étude de plusieurs entreprises (document en anglais)

    Étude de plusieurs entreprises (document en anglais)

    The combination of the two companies' fresh dairy business in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus would have annual sales of about 1.5 billion euros ($1.8 billion). Danone will hold 57.5 percent and Russia's Unimilk 42.5 percent. "The CIS is a group of countries where the potential penetration and growth of the category both in terms of volume and value ... is among the most significant," Danone Finance Director Pierre-Andre Terisse said. Danone, meanwhile, will rethink

    544 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Biographie De Billy Sunday (document en anglais)

    Biographie De Billy Sunday (document en anglais)

    I am born the November 19, 1862 near to Ames in Iowa. My father was the son of German immigrants named Sonntag, who Anglicized their name to "Sunday" when they settled in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. William Sunday, my dad, was a bricklayer who worked his way to Iowa, where he married my mom, Mary Jane Core. When I was ten years old, my impoverished mother sent my older brother and me to the Soldiers' Orphans Home

    930 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Le but principal d'une entreprise : la génération de profit ( commentaire en anglais)

    Le but principal d'une entreprise : la génération de profit ( commentaire en anglais)

    The main purpose of a business is to generate profit and then do the satisfaction of their stakeholders, but Ethics & Social responsibility should take a best place on the way that the business are did. However, privacy is part of ethics and social responsibility too, and has to be protected from intrusion and bad sharing of information. Therefore, do we thing that privacy can be delimited in a zone where the information has to

    572 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Devoir De Gestion CNED 2e Année BTS AGTL: le plan de financement

    Devoir De Gestion CNED 2e Année BTS AGTL: le plan de financement

    50t4 C02 – 1/4 Gestion Corrigé 2 3 50t4 CT PA 02 09 Cette analyse que vous avez dû mener n’est qu’une partie de l’analyse (pour des questions de temps) que vous devrez réaliser si vous avez à réaliser un plan d’affaires. 1. Élaboration de la partie financière du plan d’affaires du projet « s’activer à la montagne » (26 points) Cette partie du plan d’affaires va vous permettre de prendre connaissance des moyens financiers

    1 180 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Gestion de la marque (document en anglais)

    Gestion de la marque (document en anglais)

    Brand management I. Introduction Definition of a brand (American Marketing Association): A brand is a name, term, sign or symbol or design or a combination of them intended to identify the goods or services of seller and to differentiate them from those of competition. Too restrictive Optimal brand definition: A name, a sign or a symbol which serve to identify and differentiate a product versus other ones and that is registered in the minds of

    4 474 Mots / 18 Pages