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About A Boy dissertations et mémoires


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Dernière mise à jour : 19 Juin 2015
  • Beach Boys-Banksy

    Beach Boys-Banksy

    This painting entitled Beach Boys was created by the famous street art artist Banksy. His art is a mixture of irony, irreverence, humor and often includes very clear messages like his interventions between Israel and Palestine. Through his actions, he campaigns for freedom, for justice, against war, famine and all the scourges caused by man. Banksy founded in 2005 the Santa's Ghetto project for which he clandestinely created 9 stencil paintings on the separation wall

    506 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Debate about gig economy

    Debate about gig economy

    Debate about gig economy Cons * My cousin currently works in the gig economy, and I believe you shouldn’t go into it. He is obsessed by money and he doesn’t have any time for his family, it’s dreadful. * Yes, in light of what you said you should really not go into the gig economy ! You won’t have a regular income, your attention will always be focused on work, you will never be present,

    767 Mots / 4 Pages
  • What does Brexit reveal about the world we live in?

    What does Brexit reveal about the world we live in?

    What does Brexit reveal about the world we live in? * “Brexit”, pour “British exit” , ou “sortie du Royaume-Uni” en français… c’est bien ce qu’ont décidé les Britanniques le 23 juin 2016. A la question : “le Royaume-Uni doit-il rester un membre de l’Union européenne ou quitter l’Union européenne ?” , 52 % d’entre eux ont répondu “Leave” (quitter).La volonté de quitter l’UE est venue principalement du Parti de droite ‘UK Independence Party’, et

    943 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Everything you know about hula is wrong

    Everything you know about hula is wrong

    1. Fill the gaps (beginning of video) Hula is a deeply spiritual practice with layers of cultural significance, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at the way it’s been represented over the years. You know...beautiful women at a luau, hips swaying in grass skirts. But this is the real hula. Whenever people hear the word hula, they want to do the, "oh," whatever their version of hollywood hula is and it is a little

    333 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Can we joke about racism ?

    Can we joke about racism ?

    Can I joke about racism? Humor has always been used to make people laugh and distract them, it’s a necessity to our civilization, however, humor has changed a lot since the beginning of history and has now more functions such as denouncing society problems. Today, humor is used by everyone about everything but where is the limit? Can we really laugh about everything? Humor is not just entertaining, it can also be used to pass

    605 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Fiche culture « Black Boy »

    Fiche culture « Black Boy »

    Dupont 17/10/2023 Florentin 1F Français Fiche culture « Black Boy » Paru en 1945, Black Boy écrit par Richard Wright est le premier roman écrit par un noir sur ses conditions de vie. L’auteur y raconte son enfance et son adolescence dans le sud ségrégationniste américain du début du xxe siècle ; confronté à l’injustice, à la misère, à la violence des rapports entre noirs et blancs. Le spectacle propose une “vibration” sensible de ce

    468 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Talking about the Amish

    Talking about the Amish

    Talking about the Amish The Amish are a traditionalist Christian church fellowship, comprising people who trace their origins to the Anabaptist movement in the 16th century. Here's a brief overview of their origin, way of life, beliefs, and values: Origin * Founding: The Amish movement began in Switzerland in 1693, led by Jakob Ammann, who advocated for a stricter adherence to certain practices compared to other Anabaptists. * Migration: Many Amish migrated to North America

    374 Mots / 2 Pages

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