Prime League Rules
Analyse sectorielle : Prime League Rules. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Humhum • 20 Mai 2015 • Analyse sectorielle • 1 870 Mots (8 Pages) • 533 Vues
Prime League Rules
1. All matches will consist of 4vs4 in all stages of the tournament.
2. Matches consist of 3 Grand Prix's in all stages of the tournament.
3. All characters and vehicles are allowed.
4. Matches will be played on 150cc with all items activated. Hosting teams that do not use a community with these conditions will be penalized 150pts. to their overall score for the match. If you are a hosting team, please make sure your community uses these settings. If there are any major problems regarding this rule, a team may be disqualified or be forced to replay a match with proper settings.
Pre-Match Procedure
5a. The hosting team of the match will provide their community code to their opponents, preferably in advance of match time. Hosting teams have until a maximum of 15 minutes after match time to provide a community code. If your opponents are hosting and do not provide you a community code after 15 minutes past match time, contact your division administrator.
5b. If one team does not show up 15 minutes after match time while the other team is present (proof required), the missing team will forfeit the match. If your opponents do not respond or show up after 15 minutes, contact your administrator.
5c. Teams may start their matches before match time so long as both teams agree to do so. Teams are not obligated to start their matches before match time, and any complaints arising due to matches starting early and causing problems is not our responsibility. Please take this into consideration when choosing to start a match early.
5d. Once 15 minutes have past after match time, teams MUST begin joining their communities. Evidence shown of teams stalling, intentionally disconnecting, or attempting to wait longer will likely result in that team losing the match by forfeit (at the division administrator's discretion). Player shortages are not an excuse to wait past 15 minutes (see section on player shortages).
6a. Matches must begin 4vs4. If all of the players do not join the community on time, players must leave and retry.
6b. In extreme cases of difficulty with a community, teams may mutually agree to use another community at their own discretion. Both teams are responsible, however, to get the match underway despite any issues, regardless of which team is hosting. If a major issue occurs preventing you from playing the match, contact your division administrator immediately. Failure to complete a match without contacting a group administrator will likely result in a forfeit match for both teams (at the discretion of division administrators).
Match Rules
7a. All courses are allowed.
7b. Courses may only be played once per match. Repeating a course is not allowed and will result in a 10pt. penalty to the offending team. A repeated course is defined as a course that is voted by a player and selected on the voting screen. Repeats caused by a random vote do NOT constitute a repeat.
8a. If a player disconnects during a Grand Prix, the player will receive their points on the results screen +3 points for every race they miss. Picture proof is needed or both teams can agree on how many points a disconnected player had. If no proof or agreement is posted the default amount of points for a disconnected player is 12. If a room has only 6 or less players for a race (including bots), missing players will receive +2 for a missed race.
8b. Points scored by bots will count towards a player's total score for that Grand Prix, and races where bots play will not be given an additional 3/2 points for that race.
8c. For races with 7 players or less, no multiplier will be used for individual records.
9a. If a player disconnects prior to the first race of a Grand Prix (does not show up in the voting screen or does not get a boost start), the Grand Prix must be restarted.
9b. If three or more players of the same team or four players in total disconnect after race 1, 2 or 3, the room needs to be restarted and the remaining races have to be played in the next Grand Prix. However, the completed races prior to the mass disconnect still count. Picture proof is preferred or both teams can agree on how many points every player had.
Tip: when the scores of a couple of players are unclear, they might be able to be regained by using the following link: clan-war-calculations-t654.html.
Player Shortages
10. If a team cannot gather 4 players for a match, the match will not be played. All GPs must start 4vs4. If only one team has 3 players they must reschedule (mutual agreement) or take a forfeit loss, based on the opponent's decision.
11. Gentlemen's agreements regarding unregistered players are allowed in Prime League. However, if a team uses an unregistered player, the player must be in the clan (not an ally) and must register or transfer to that clan before the next match. Failure to do so will result in the player losing all of his points in the match he played.
12. If both teams face a player shortage, the match must be rescheduled. If the match is consistently being delayed, the war may be recorded as a forfeit loss to both teams at the division administrator's discretion.
Post-Match -- Results
13. Both teams are responsible for getting proof that their match was played. Pictures do not need to be uploaded if the teams can both confirm the result. If there's disagreement on the result, pictures or videos will need be to uploaded as proof. If no proof is presented, the war will have to be replayed, therefore it is recommended that both teams get proof of the match in case.
Tiebreaker Grand Prixs
14a. Tiebreaker GPs will not be played, unless in a tournament format where a team must win to decide who moves on / decide the title. In the case of a tiebreaker GP, it will simply be 1 GP. If that