Dig up
TD : Dig up. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Ines Bnbs • 2 Novembre 2018 • TD • 848 Mots (4 Pages) • 491 Vues
Our concept is simple: an immersive underground game that projects you into the life of a miner who ends his journey in a futuristic pop-up city. Our main idea is to change the painful past into a joyful future
AIM of our game :
The principal goal is to escape from an underground maze in which you are trapped. And of course, you only have two hours of air left! Our players will experience a level of involvement and immersion that confirms DIG UP as the premium underground game of choice for those who crave extreme challenges, complex narratives and hyper realistic sets and props.
Indeed, thanks to new technologies, thanks to the props, you will be under the impression that the rooms are moving, you will feel artificial wind, ear artificial collapses sounds effects etc.
In a nutshell , DIG UP Escape Mine delivers a premium experience. Revolutionary high-concept challenges for those who like their thrills to be adrenaline spiked.
Why Start this project you might ask?
The main reason is to attract people ! We offer a unique experience for kids and adults. Besides, we will also create a futuristic pop up city which will contain shops, some houses, entertainment outlets like a cinema as well as restaurants…
Rami : We imagined an itnerary:
- First, you begin with the past, the musem where you learn about miners’ lives, you have to remember those information in order to open the rooms in the maze because there are locked.
- Then you enter the game taking the lift to go down in the underground mine.
You try to escape and find the way out.
-Finally, you go out and discover the pop-up city. It represents the future. Is very meaningful, because you feel what miners felt at the end of their days : back to civilization, to light…
→ From darkness to light. The game ends but the experience continues !
We really wanted a common thread !
Mickal: Here is a video of what we imagined:
Now, we will focus on the underground game
Rami: Here is the maze plan:
Green: You can continue
Red: You have to start again
Orange: you have to step back
Blue: Checkpoints
Purple: The path where a little mining train takes you out
Now let’s see the underground game in detail:
Thus, after you visit the museum, you enter the game by taking the lift as Rami said.
The game is an immersive unique experience, you step into a world where real-life collides with technological trickery. Here, impossible doesn’t exist.
Indeed, we plan to have:
- A realistic decor (mining galleries, with rocks, wooden arches, railways, fake coal…)
-“Collapsing rooms” (using sound effects, dust blowing, fake smoke, moving floor illusions…) Our team will use the newest technologies to make this game as historically accurate as possible, even using professional set designers to get the room to look just right.