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La définition des mythes et des héros

Commentaire de texte : La définition des mythes et des héros. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Avril 2015  •  Commentaire de texte  •  518 Mots (3 Pages)  •  821 Vues

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I am going to talk about the notion myths and heroes. First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. A myth can be defined as an ancient story about gods and heroes. It can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his achievements, a super-hero or maybe a role model or an icon. So he is tipically identified with goods qualities. Why do we need heroes? This notion can split in two categories: imaginary’s myths and heroes Reality’s myths and heroes I/ The identity of a nation is forged thanks myths dating back to ancient times. Know these myths help us understand our present. These myths are supported by the floor or in books. I would start with heroes can be found in books… à Heroes like Sherlock Holmes (created by Sir CanDoyle), Dorian gray (by Oscar Wild), Romeo and Juliet, two heroes created by Shakspeare. Hamlet, of Shakspeare is a classic. It is studied in many schools. Everyone knows the famous sentence "to be or not to be, that is the question" I think I could give many other examples There are a lot of fictional heroes in literature and this influences many people. They make us dream. These heroes that I have just mentioned have been interpreted in different forms in order to maintain the myth. They are found today on television, alongside the greatest super heroes. Every body knows spiderman, batman, superman, ironeman.. They are the most significant heroes. They wear masks and capes and they want to fight real crime. à Other myths and heroes form a part of the Anglo-Saxon cultural identity. There are also many heroes represented in museums, on boards, in the street thanks to billboards. I would like to mention a very famous painting: “American gothic” This board/work painting by grantwood in thousand nine hundred and thirty refers to the great depression that Americans have suffered. This farmer represent the economic context of that time. This myth is a historic moment, so real. Which leads us to believe that there is a close link between myth and reality. II/ Now I’ m going to talk about heroes existing. à Oprah winfrey is a pure incarnation of the American dream because, started with nothing, she became one the most influential woman of the country. Michael Jackson also embodies this dream. He was the first afro-american who has is video-clip passed on the MusicChanelMTV Him and his songs form the myth of American Pop Music. In the same way, the films were realized on him so as not to forget it. Now, I want to talk about others heroes, heroes that we can see in the street without recognizing. I mean everyday’s heroes. I would like to give any examples. After the attentat of the 11 september, many fireman, called the 9/11 have risk their lives to save others. Another example: the current super-heros on association named “super-heroes anonymous” protecting the poor of new-york, at night, in the street


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