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Pourquoi le déclin des abeilles est un problème à ne pas prendre à la légère? (document en anglais)

Analyse sectorielle : Pourquoi le déclin des abeilles est un problème à ne pas prendre à la légère? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mai 2015  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  742 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 120 Vues

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Explain why the decline of bees is a problem not to take a lightly.


The decrease in the number of bees declined significantly in recent years, it is a risk not to be taken lightly. Without them, there will be no plants, animals, and therefore no men. The mortality of bees is linked to a multitude of factors that we will explain throughout this paper.

Part 1 :

Bees have a big role in terms of preserving Biodiversity. There are pollinators that are to say they transport pollen found in the flowers they gather on the pistil, to other flowers which allows pollination and also the reproduction of vegetal species.

As you can see in this picture, we see the cycle of fertilization with the pistil, the ovary. However, the bees are not the only pollinators: the wind can also carry pollen from one flower to another one.

2nd Part:

Since 1991, half of the bees have progressively disappeared in the United States because of urbanization, pesticides and acarids.

In 2007, bees disappearances have reached a peak, considered as catastrophic by experts, threatening the pollination of many truck farming.

Apple trees, Almond trees, Avocado trees, cherry trees, onions, cucumbers, cotton, the peanuts, the melon; depend 90 to 100% on bees for their pollination.

The economic impact of these disappearances is estimated to approximately 15 Billion dollars a year in the U.S.A.

The phenomenon seems to extend to Europe where similar cases have been reported in Spain, Poland, Germany, Portugal, Italy, and Greece and maybe in the United Kingdom. In France the loss of colonies is estimated between 300.000 to 400.000 every year and all this since 1995.

In Quebec, during the last winter an average of about 40% of hives were reported empty.

Some bee keepers have lost until 75% to 100% of their colonies. The reported figures are 400.000 empty hives for Poland and 600.000 for Spain.

3rd Part:

The alert was given by farmers.

There are 4 main causes of this disappearance:


The varroa mite: They parasitize bees by stuffing their lymph (the fluid that allows their fertilization)

Asian hornets: They attack the entire hive in the stifling

The magnetic antennas: They prevent the bees from flying and therefore reach their hives.

The figures show that the bees are less and less .

Would this disappearance be due the multiplication of cell phones?

It is alleged that bees disappear and the causes could be the rising number of cell phones. This is due to the electromagnetic population which, in the long run, provokes their natural catastrophe.

According to some German experts, the saturation of waves would completely disorient bees to a point where they couldn't reach their hives which would provoke their extermination provoking what is known as '


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