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Une éducation strict est toujours le mieux. (document en anglais).

Commentaires Composés : Une éducation strict est toujours le mieux. (document en anglais).. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Mars 2012  •  235 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 157 Vues


• It is often said that « A strict education is always the best ». Thanks to children obey their parents but they can disobey and rebel. It is necessary to weigh the pros and cons on the subject.

• To begin with firstly, we will see the positive points of a strict education. Children learn good manners and is easy to adapt every were. Well children can help for the housework. Therefore they become responsibility and learn more quickly and by themselves. Having said that, children will respect their parents and adults. A better school results and better job.

• To begin with secondly, we will see the negative points of a strict education. Due to being too strict children want to do forbid things, children might fear their parents. And if parents do not leave any freedom he wills not social life. They don’t need strict parents to be behavior because they will not self-assured and they risk of rebellion or run away from home. This could explain their bad relationship…

• To sum up, a strict education is not always the best, because according to the education that is taught does not necessarily, because everything depends of child and how to educate. As far as I am concerned, a strict education is sometimes necessary because children should respect their parents… and for some children it is necessary learn them with a strict education.


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