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Cours : Bullying. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Avril 2020  •  Cours  •  572 Mots (3 Pages)  •  582 Vues

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Confinement semaine 2

Je vous propose un extrait de roman avec son enregistrement.

Activité de Compréhension Ecrite.


Objectif culturel: découvrir un extrait du roman Thirteen Reasons Why de Jay Asher; découverte d’un « rituel » des lycées américains (les élections des élèves selon leurs qualités particulières, e.g. the best smile...)

Objectif pragmatique : comprendre un texte à deux voix (ici celle de Hannah et de Clay) ; comprendre l’implicite ; comprendre un texte écrit de façon assez oralisée

Objectif grammatical : travail des hypothèses au passé ; superlatif

Objectif lexical: lexique lié à la moquerie, au harcèlement entre lycéens

Objectif phonologique : intonation des questions ; question tags ; réponses courtes

Intro : After being bullied at school, Hannah decides to commit suicide. Before dying, she sends a series of 13 tapes to a list of people on which she explains the reasons why she chose to end her life. Clay Jensen starts listening to these tapes, hearing Hannah’s voice and reacting to her story…

Repérage d’éléments essentiels :

  • Browse the two pages and find the following elements:
  • What is the document composed of?  The document is composed of a picture and a text
  • In fact there are two documents in one? What are they? A text and an extract from a tape

  • Can you describe the picture?

In the background we can see a teenager with headphones on. He looks rather sad and concentrated / preoccupied / worried. In the foreground, we can see 7 tapes which are hiding a girl’s face face. The third case is open as she wanted to speak.

  • Find all the information you can about the two characters speaking (name, actions and feelings) If you want you can fill in the following table:




Hannah Baker

She has sent tapes to her schoolmates to explain the reasons why she decided to commit suicide.

She is angry at them.

She bears a grudge against them. (être rancunier)

Clay Jensen

He doesn’t understand why she is mad at him, why he should feel guilty. He thinks he has done nothing wrong.

He is at a loss (perdu)

He is completely lost.


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