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Qui est le plus important dans la famille : père ou mère

Discours : Qui est le plus important dans la famille : père ou mère. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Février 2014  •  Discours  •  559 Mots (3 Pages)  •  865 Vues

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Told to write between 350-600 words-This has been a topic of debate for a long time. Who is more important in a family, the father or the mother? Different people may have different opinions about it, but for me, it is undoubtedly the mother. But surely, everyone knows it has to be a united effort of both the parents to raise a family, but still there, the mother contributes more than the father. This bonding with the child is mostly due to the mother carrying the child in her womb for a good 9+ months, which attaches both of them emotionally.

A mother has an undetectable bond with her child, unlike many fathers. She always does her best, to make her family happy. Mothers always sacrifice a lot, for the happiness of her husband and children. She can have a job, and still take care of everything else, from cooking, looking after the children, maintaining the house. Fathers usually go to jobs, and return home for dinner, and that's usually the case in almost every family. Yes, fathers do care about their children, but cannot do many things, like the mother can to her child. When a child is emotionally hurt, or confused, it is the mother he goes to for answers, and to feel good about them. The mother also has a deep emotional attachment with her children, unlike the fathers. A child does need both the parents to grow up, at different stages of his life, but even in an unfortunate case of having a single parent; he/she would always prefer their mother over father.

We can even see this in nature, in the wild. The males leave the females after having children to mate with other females. Yes this is harsh, but it is a circle of life. Often this is the case with humans. In the worst case scenario, if there is a divorce between the mother and father, the mother most likely gets the custody of the child. Simply because, everyone knows that a mother will do everything in her power to raise her child in the best possible way she can. They often remarry to have someone as a father figure to the child, to look after her child. Whereas if a child had a single parent, and it was his father, it would be the opposite, the father would most definitely marry another woman, and they may have kids, and the first child would be neglected, as often this is the case in this harsh world. A mother would never neglect her child, except in special cases if she is mentally ill etc. But those are rare cases.

So I come to a conclusion, that mothers are most definitely the more important figure in the raising of a family. Yes, some people have a better bond with their father than their mother, but these situations are rare. But mothers and fathers should try to put their differences aside to raise their child the best they can. But even then, parents get separate. Although a child needs both his parents to have a good upbringing, the mother can do a better job if single, with her child than the father. She is next to nothing for a child, and this is why we all love our mothers, maybe a bit more than we do our fathers.


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