- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Responsable Commercial

Recherche de Documents : Responsable Commercial. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Janvier 2014  •  642 Mots (3 Pages)  •  748 Vues

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Please return this questionnaire filled in


Plant’s address :

Contact name 2:

Phone 2: Mobile 2:

Fax 2: E-mail 2:

Process line description:

Project reference : GYPSUM FILTRATION

• End User (if different)

Trade Name:

Registered office:

Contact name 1:

Phone 1: Mobile. 1:

Fax 1: E-mail 1:

Contact name 2:

Phone 2: Mobile. 2:

Fax 2: E-mail 2:


Data for vacuum filters:

Horizontal Belt Filter or Table Filter & Drum Filter

• Suspension  Requested Value

Name :

Process description :

By product :  Liquid (filtrate)  Solid

Suspension Liquid Solid

Flow m3/h +++++++++++++++++++++

Flow t/h

Density kg / m3


Temperature °C  °F

Concentration  g / L  kg/m3  % w/w

Specific gravity


Liquid Description

Solid Description

Grain Size Analysis

Is the product classified as « hazardous » ?  Yes  No

If so, please provide the “Material Safety Data Sheet” (MSDS) showing toxicity and handling precautions

• Cake

Humidity % Requested On tests

Treatment  dried  recycled

Outlet pipe  conveyor  repulped

• Cake Washing

 Yes  No Elements to extract

(1) Ratio of acceptable elements On tests

Liquid pH T°C m3 / h

Rate m3 / t Nb stage  flow  countercurrent

(1) Please indicate clearly the values in % or g/l and for which parts : cake, solid, slurry… / volume or weight

Note: the number of countercurrent stages means the number of time the primer filter washing is recycled (quantity of troughs = (Nb et c.c + 1))

• Filtrate (liquid)

Further utilization :

Is it necessary to separate the mother-liquor from the washing-waters?  Yes  No

Maximum acceptable ratio of suspended solids:

Maximum acceptable size of suspended particles:

Filtrate n° 1 : Volume Density Temperature °C

Filtrate n° 2 : °C

Filtrate n° 3 : °C

Filtrate n° 4 : °C

Washing 1 2 3 4 Length


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