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Marketing expérientiel

Dissertations Gratuits : Marketing expérientiel. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Février 2013  •  6 873 Mots (28 Pages)  •  854 Vues

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Dossier :

Marketing expérientiel

Special on :

Experiential Marketing

Il est aujourd’hui admis que le

marketing sensoriel contribue

au succès de bon nombre de

concepts commerciaux novateurs, qu’il optimise la théâtralisation de l’acte de vente et

qu’en définitive, il fait partie

des moyens qui permettent de

transformer le chaland en


En revanche, si le consensus

existe sur la pertinence et l’originalité de ces nouveaux outils,

leur utilisation reste encore largement fonction de critères

empiriques et intuitifs. Plus

précisément, la quantification

de leur impact réel sur les ventes ou sur le comportement du

consommateur a rarement

donné lieu à des analyses

scientifiques et méthodologiques fondées sur des protocoles d’observation incontestables.

Ainsi, seule la rationalisation de

ces outils permettra de leur

donner une place plus importante dans les stratégies de

marketing de la distribution. En

d’autres termes, la démonstration de leur impact leur permettra d’assumer le bon rôle

au bon moment et au bon endroit.

No need to argue that sensorial marketing contributes to

the success of many innovative concepts. It optimizes the

theatrical aspect of sales and

converts a potential buyer into

a customer.

The relevance and originality

of the new marketing tools are

admitted. However their use

still depends on empirical and

intuitive criteria. More specifically there is no scientific

analyses mesuring the real

impact on the sales and on the

customers’ behavior.

An efficiency analysis would

allow sensorial marketing to

be integrated in the distribution marketing strategies.

In other words the proof of

the impact would aim at optimizing the sensorial marketing






Emotional Marketing Page 2

Marketing Expérientiel Page 3

Natures et Découvertes Page 4

Le Cas Ben & Jerry’s Page 5

Vidéo Media in Second Life Page 6

Le « Frog & Rosbif » Page 7

Senseo Page 8

Perfumes Mobile Phones Page 11

Zoom Page 12

Enquête BVA Page 14

Enquête Mastère M2C Page 15

Octobre 2007, Réfléchir et comprendre le marketing professionnel 1 DOSSIER

Emotional Marketing or How to reach

32% of consumers say that it is not their preferred marketing but the

most influential.

Experiential marketing is broadly defined by

live events where audiences interact with a

product or a brand face to face. It is in permanent growth and presents four main

characteristics, offering different approaches

from traditional marketing. What makes it

so different is its concentration on consumer

s’ experiences, but it is also the study of the

consumption situation. The revolution of

this marketing is its positioning in front of

the consumer: he is now considered as

someone both rational and emotional. More

it also implicates employees. This new approach, thanks to various tools, is more

adapted to the purchasing act evolution.

The use of experiential marketing, according to company objectives, gives the possibility to define the experience’s aspect and

consequently the aspect the product will be

presented to the consumer. To do so, different kinds of experiential marketing exist

whose use creates the value looked for by


Sense marketing, wrongly considered as the

only component of the experiential marketing, relates to the impact of the five senses

on the purchaser behaviour, it enhances the

value of the buying process.

Cognitive marketing makes people think



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