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L'impact de la musique chez les adolescents - synthèse en anglais

Documents Gratuits : L'impact de la musique chez les adolescents - synthèse en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Juin 2013  •  1 543 Mots (7 Pages)  •  1 096 Vues

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In today’s society, Youths, particularly teenagers are disturbed in our society. Youths represent the transition period to Access to autonomy and then become adult. This transition to the independency can only be attained by the ability to earn money; therefore become independent or adult. This transition is even harder for inner-city youths sometime because of the poverty of their family or the violence they see everyday around them. According to California rand 214 students dropped out school in 1997 at San Bernardino high school which is considered as a school located in a inner-city. Thus, That cause suburban youths to sometime make poor decisions to drop out school then start dealing drugs because that seem like the easiest way to earn money.

Nevertheless Music has a huge impact on inner city young. In fact, these youths sometimes have the feeling of being shunned in society; therefore, music is a great way for them to express their self. Kerry James is the most popular French rap singer. He grew up in the most insecure Parisian’s inner-city call “Pigalle”. The engagement and the relevancy of his lyrics make him original. He is considered a poet by the Frenchs because of the relevancy of his lyrics. The insightful songs “suburban”, “dead end” and “the continue fight” by Kerry James motivate inner-city youth to get an education regardless of their social life conditions.

Kerry James in his engaging approach of music especially in his song, “The Suburban,” motivates pessimistic inner-city youths to keep pursing their studies. In the song “The Suburban”, Kerry James states with conviction that “We suburban youths and proud to be so/we are not condemned to failure/we are condemned to success/crossing barrier/building carrier;” which inspire suburban youths to believe in their scholar success because although they do not have same advantage as wealthy peoples in the society, they can still rise above obstacles to be successful at school and get their degree. Kerry James called dispirited suburban youths to keep working hard and to not be discouraged by the difficulties they go through every day but to focus on the result which is to build a career after getting their degree. He also instills confidence into pessimistic inner-city youths by telling them that they should be proud of their social condition of life because life a fight for everyone and not only for them. Furthermore, the title of the song “The Suburban,” calls directly the attention of every inner-city youths by telling them that the message of the song is addressed to them. This song is very impactful on inner-city youths by advocating that with courage and hope they can brave all obstacle on their way to success, thus erecting their future in a gloriously edifice.

Additionally, Kerry James continues to motivate intimidate suburban youths by saying that “for us it is hard but it does not have to become an excuse.” With this thought, Kerry James inspires credibility to inner-city youth by including himself in the message. He remembers inner-city youths that he was raised in the same environment like them and he knows exactly what he is talking about. Thus, he is not like other people who are trying to give them advice ignoring the hardships they face every day. Furthermore, this makes inner-city youth hear lyrics such as “I am the captain in the boat of my effort!” which is an excellent way to remind them that regardless of the way the society treats them, they are masters of their destiny and they can still have a bright future if they want so. Kerry James insinuates that all the challenges and hardships they go through are not a reason to give up and drop out school because there is no merit for those who give up. Therefore, those who persevere will end up successful and happy by looking back and feel proud of them self for what they accomplish.

Additionally, with a deep relevant dialogue between Kerry James and a 15 year old teenager in the song “Dead End”, Kerry James motivates glum inner-city youths to pursue their education and not be distracted by making easy money. In this song, Kerry James starts by saying exactly what dispirited inner-city youths may think:”I need sorrel now/tell me what the point to go to school / anyway no one cares about us/ I do not need a degree/ I need cash.” By stating these powerful words from a teenager, Kerry James demonstrate expertise and inspired credibility to low-spirit inner-city youths


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