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Programme robot

TD : Programme robot. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Avril 2022  •  TD  •  545 Mots (3 Pages)  •  321 Vues

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#define ML_Ctrl 5 //define direction control pin of B motor

#define ML_PWM 5 //define PWM control pin of B motor

#define MR_Ctrl 6 //define direction control pin of A motor

#define MR_PWM 6 //define PWM control pin of A motor

const int sensor_l = 11;//define the pin of left line tracking sensor

const int sensor_c = 7;//define the pin of middle line tracking sensor

const int sensor_r = 8;//define the pin of right line tracking sensor

int l_val,c_val,r_val;//define these variables

void setup() {

Serial.begin(9600);//start serial monitor and set baud rate to 9600

pinMode(ML_Ctrl, OUTPUT);//set direction control pin of B motor

pinMode(ML_PWM, OUTPUT);//set PWM control pin of B motor to OUTPUT

pinMode(MR_Ctrl, OUTPUT);//set direction control pin of A motor to OUTPUT

pinMode(MR_PWM, OUTPUT);//set PWM control pin of A motor to OUTPUT

pinMode(sensor_l,INPUT);//set the pins of left line tracking sensor to INPUT

pinMode(sensor_c,INPUT);//set the pins of middle line tracking sensor to INPUT

pinMode(sensor_r,INPUT);//set the pins of right line tracking sensor to INPUT


void loop()


tracking(); //run main program


void tracking()


l_val = digitalRead(sensor_l);//read the value of left line tracking sensor

c_val = digitalRead(sensor_c);//read the value of middle line tracking sensor

r_val = digitalRead(sensor_r);//read the value of right line tracking sensor

if(c_val == 1)//if the state of middle one is 1, which means detecting black line


front();//car goes forward




if((l_val == 1)&&(r_val == 0))//if only left line tracking sensor detects black trace


left();//car turns left


else if((l_val == 0)&&(r_val == 1))//if only right line tracking sensor detects black trace


right();//car turns right


else// if left and right line tracking sensors detect black trace or they don’t read


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