- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


Fiche : Logiciels, Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Mai 2013  •  Fiche  •  202 Mots (1 Pages)  •  735 Vues

123mplayer.comis distributing modified installers which differ from the originals. The modified installers are compliant with the original software manufacturer's policies and terms & conditions. DomaIQ is an install manager that will manage the installation of your selected software. In addition to managing the installation of your selected software, DomaIQ will make recommendations for additional free software that you may be interested in. Additional software may include toolbars, browser add-ons, game applications, anti-virus applications, and other types of applications. You are not required to install any additional software to receive your selected software. You can completely remove the program at any time in Windows' Add/Remove Programs. At the time of downloading you accept the conditions of use and privacy policies stated by The download will be executed through a download manager that belongs to DomaIQ. The mentioned download manager doesn't have any relationship with the author. It can be downloaded as well freely from the author's aims to offer downloads free of viruses and malwares. The download manager is part of our virus and malware filtering system and certifies the file's reliability. Additionally, the download manager offers the optional installation of a toolbar.

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