Awale Game: Application Programming Interface and Augmented Reality Interface
Mémoire : Awale Game: Application Programming Interface and Augmented Reality Interface. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Marie-Parisius HOUESSOU • 29 Octobre 2018 • Mémoire • 2 253 Mots (10 Pages) • 726 Vues
Awale Game: Application Programming
Interface and Augmented Reality Interface
Marie-Parisius Dorian Houessou(1;2), Vinasetan Ratheil Houndji(1;2), Eugene
C. Ezin(1), Manhougbe Probus A. F. Kiki(2;3), Harold Silvere Kiossou(2;3),
Jean-Baptiste Maureen Sossou(2;3), Faizath Jedida Zoumarou Walis(2;3)
(1) Institut de Formation et de Recherche en Informatique (IFRI, UAC, Benin)
(2) Machine Intelligence For You SARL
(3) Ecole Polytechnique dAbomey-Calavi (EPAC, UAC, Benin)
Abstract. Awale game is one of the famous board games from
Africa with many variants and is now played worldwide in various
forms. In this paper, we propose an open-source Application Pro-
gramming Interface (API) for developers to allow an easy implemen-
tation of the various variants of Awale as well as articial intelligence
based players. The API is available online at
Machine-Intelligence-For-You/Awale. Based on this API, we propose
a PC Awale game, a mobile Awale game, and an Augmented Reality
Game. The Awale API, PC game, and mobile game are implemented in
the programming language Java while the game in Augmented Reality
is realized with the C# programming language, Unity 3D game engine
and the Vuforia Augmented Reality SDK. The various tests carried out
show that the API and the dierent games are totally functional. This
API was also used for the rst edition of MAIC, an Articial Intelligence
Keywords: Awale, API, Augmented Reality, Articial Intelligence, Board game
1 Introduction
It is well known that games are an integral part of the human life. Among
the board and society games, Awale is one of the most famous African games.
It has several playable versions on electronic terminals. Awale itself exists in
several forms (Mancala, Oware, Ayo, Wari, etc.) according to specic ethnic
groups in which it is found. The existence of its dierent variants makes hard
the implementation of this game and causes a variation of the implementation
of an Articial Intelligence (AI) for each of them. However, to the best of our
knowledge, there is no generic API Awale Game to ease the implementation of
the dierent variants of the game. Here we develop an API to ease this game
implementation such that it would be possible to create various kinds of Awale
games, which can use the latest technologies such as Augmented Reality. This
paper proposes an open-source Application Programming Interface (API) for
developers to allow an easy implementation of the various variants of Awale as
well as articial intelligence based players. Our goal is to make available to the
scientic community a set of functionalities to easily implement software agents
for the Awale game. The API is very generic and allows the modication of
several values such as the game board's size, the number of holes, the number
of seeds per hole when starting the game, the time of play per player, and the
game's direction. To ensure that the API is functional, we develop (based on it):
{ a graphical PC Awale game;
{ a mobile Awale game;
{ an Augmented Reality (AR) based on the mobile Awale game.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a background of Awale
game, API and AR technology; Section 3 describes the dierent tools used; Section
4 presents the class diagram; Section 5 shows some graphical interfaces obtained;
and Section 6 concludes.
2 Background
Awale game is a board game from Africa. It seems to come exactly from Ethiopia
and spread to the whole African continent [7]. It's a "count and capture" type
game in which you distribute seeds in holes. Awale game requires abilities such
as re
ection, decision and strategy that ranks it at the same level as chess. A
classical Awale game is played using a board containing two rows of six holes.
In some variants of the game, one can nd two bigger holes on the edges. The
seeds played in this game usually come from the tree "Caesalpinia bonduc" and
are called in the Fongbe language "Adjikouin". They can however, be replaced
by balls or pebbles and must be forty-eight for a classic Awale. Games are
played according to well-dened rules. Many video games exist today on several
terminals in the Awale Game especially on smartphones and are available on the
dierent mobile apps downloading platforms like PlayStore or AppStore. Below
we dene API and AR which are the two main contributions about Awale game
in this paper.
API stands for Application Programming Interface and is a set of routines,