- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


TD : Algo. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Mars 2017  •  TD  •  471 Mots (2 Pages)  •  807 Vues

Page 1 sur 2 tables;

select frs_nom

from fournisseurs; clt_loc

from clients;

3. select clt_nom,clt_pnom

from clients

where clt_loc='PARIS';

4. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_poids>500;

5. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_pv>=2*art_pa;

6. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_poids>500 and art_coul='ROUGE';

7. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_poids>500 or art_coul='ROUGE';

8. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_poids<=500 and art_coul!='ROUGE';

9. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_coul='VERT' or art_coul='ROUGE';

10. select clt_nom,clt_pnom

from clients

where clt_nom like 'JA%';

11. select clt_nom,clt_pnom

from clients

where clt_nom like 'DEF__Z';

12. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_poids>500


select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_coul='ROUGE';

13. select art_num,art_nom,art_poids,frs_nom

from articles,fournisseurs

where art_coul='ROUGE' and art_frs=frs_num;

14. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_pa>(select art_pa from articles where art_num=8);

15. select art_num,(art_pv-art_pa) as marge

from articles

where art_pa>100 ;

16. Select avg(art_poids)

from articles;

17. Select count(art_coul)

from articles

where art_coul!='NULL';

18. Select avg(art_poids),max(art_pv-art_pa),max(art_pv)-max(art_pa)

from articles

where art_coul!='NULL';

19. Select art_coul,avg(art_pv)

from articles

where art_coul!='NULL'

group by art_coul;

20. Select art_coul,avg(art_pv)

from articles

where art_coul!='NULL' and art_pa>=5

group by art_coul;

21. Select (-vnt_prix/vnt_qte+art_pv)

from articles,ventes

where vnt_art=art_num and vnt_date between '1989-01-06' and '1989-01-13'

22. Select art_coul

from articles

where art_coul IS NOT NULL

group by art_coul

HAVING  avg(art_pv)>100;

23. Select art_num

from articles

where art_poids<(select art_poids from articles where art_num=2);

24. Select art_num

from articles

where art_poids<=(select avg(art_poids) from articles)and art_coul=(select art_coul from articles where art_num=10);

25. Select art_frs

from articles

where art_coul='ROUGE'

group by art_frs;

26. Select mag_ger

from magasins

where mag_num in (select vnt_mag from ventes where vnt_art=2)

27. select *

from clients

where clt_num in (select vnt_clt from ventes group by vnt_clt having sum(vnt_prix)> (select avg(vnt_prix) from ventes));

28create view semaineaa as

select vnt_art,count(*), sum(vnt_qte)

from ventes

where vnt_date between '1989-01-06' and '1989-01-13'

group by vnt_art;

select *

from semainea;

29. create view ventes_parisss as

select *

from ventes

where vnt_date between '1989-01-06'and '1989-01-13'

and vnt_mag in (select mag_num from magasins where mag_loc like 'PARIS%')

30. create view Hmm as

Select (vnt_prix/vnt_qte) as montant,mag_loc as lieu

from ventes_parisss,magasins

where vnt_mag=mag_num;

select *

from Hmm; tables;

select frs_nom

from fournisseurs; clt_loc

from clients;

3. select clt_nom,clt_pnom

from clients

where clt_loc='PARIS';

4. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_poids>500;

5. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_pv>=2*art_pa;

6. select art_num,art_nom

from articles

where art_poids>500 and art_coul='ROUGE';

7. select art_num,art_nom

from articles


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