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LeBron James

Cours : LeBron James. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Mai 2019  •  Cours  •  896 Mots (4 Pages)  •  608 Vues

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I’m going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes.

First of all, I’m going to give a definition about this notion.

Briefly a myth, it’s a story about gods or heroes who can be a popular belief, a tradition or a false notion. An hero can be a mythological figure. It’s a person admired for his or her achievements, courage and noble qualities. So, mythology includes the legends of our history, our religions, stories of how the world was created and our heroes. There are two types of heroes. The fictitious heroes like Alice in wonderland, James Bond and real heroes who live in our society like Queen Elizabeth II or those who lived in another epoch like Martin Luther King.

Today, many people like legends, myths, to imagine fabulous and fantastic stories, because the population prefers to flee the reality with these problems. We can flee the reality by looking at movies of fiction, by reading books with superheroes and put ourselves in the place of the main character. We appreciate myths like the one of Alice in Wonderland, a famous character in the English culture, who discovers an imaginary world.Or still the adventures of the famous Sherlock Holmes with his fascinating inquiries. Sometimes we would like to have the guile and the intelligence to be able to lead enquiries in the streets of London, or to be an agent to have class and courage of James Bond. Our society, we like becoming identified with heroes who have numerous qualities and a beautiful appearance. Children, teenagers often want to look like their favorite hero as Batman, Harry Potter or a famous singer or an athlete as Michael Jordan.

But , there are men women in reality who showed courage and who became heroes. We would like to be famous celebrities who developed mentalities as Martin Luther King , who defended the cause of the blacks and which fought so that all the world possesses the same rights. The fictitious and the real heroes inspire people everyday thanks to their acts.

The issues of my presentation is “How one of the most famous athlete in the world could inspire the child of today?”

LeBron James is a hero because is more than a athlete. All that he do is more than basketball. He found a school for disadvantaged child.

I take LeBron James because it’s a famous NBA player and i love NBA. It’s more than a athlete. But before speaking of what did LeBron James off the court, when are going to speak about his basketball career. He begin the basketball when he is 9. At 15, LeBron is on St Vincent St Mary High School, and on the basketball team of the high school. During these 3 years, the country, the medias only hear about him. After his high school program, in 2003, he doesn’t go to a university and declare to the NBA Draft. He was draft at the first place of the first round by the Cleveland Cavaliers. It’s good for LeBron be a-cause Cleveland it’s near his city, Akron.

Before his arrival in the NBA, the medias had already nicknamed her « The Chosen One », for saying is the powerful basketball player that we’ve seen since Michael Jordan. On the court, LeBron do all that is possible, win championniship, be the MVP (Most Valuable Player), and more others things. It's thanks to the basketball that LeBron could do things off a basketball court. Now i'm gonna speak what he did off a basketball court.

LeBron have open a school in his hometown, Akron near Cleveland, the I Promise School, who is for the disadvantaged families, and particularly student. The scholarship is Free for this student. All is for the school, like the self or the Bike with protection for going to school. LeBron James do a lot of things outside à basketball court. He open this school because when he was a Child, he was like this students, he don’t have anything. It’s for this that LeBron do a lot à things for the children of his hometown. He Also have an association, The LeBron James Family Foundation, who help his school, but also others school on Cleveland. They help to St Mary St Vincent High School, the school where was LeBron.   The last advertising campaign of LeBron James was when he opened the school. The slogan was « More Than A Athlete ». On this ad campaign he explained to the whole world how he grew up, the difficulties of grew up only with his mother. How it was complicated, for his mother, to live with two young boy. It's for the young child of today, for not that they face of this difficulties.


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