SWOT Eau De Coco
Mémoire : SWOT Eau De Coco. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar klo9 • 10 Février 2013 • 463 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 397 Vues
SWOT is an abbreviation for the internal Strengths and Weaknesses of a firm and the environmental Opportunities and Threats facing that firm.
SWOT analysis is a technique used through which managers create a quick overview of a company’s situation.
Ideally, a SWOT would have a maximum of points in strengths and opportunities and few weaknesses and threats for a frim. Accurately applied, this simple assumption has powerful implications for the design of a successful strategy.
SWOT analysis basically shows the company how to make the most of their strengths, eradicate their weaknesses, exploit the best opportunities and respond to the threats.
The coconut water is low cal, about 13 cal per 100ml, for example, it’s less cal than lemon water.
Nutritive value for 100 ml of Almost Mama coco water:
Energy : 12 cal
Proteins : 0,1g
Glucides : 3,2g
Lipids : 0g
Fibers : 0g
Sodium : 0,02g
Potassium : 0,22g
The coconut water is naturally rich in potassium and help to face to magnesium needs. As well as the low cal and the high minerals, this coconut water has others advantages.
It’s very thirst-quenching, ideal in summer during high temperature, for those who have difficulty to drink water. Nevertheless, Almost Mama is not void of cal, it doesn’t, in no way, replaces in totality water.
It’s an indispensable asset for the sportspersons recovery. As explains the FAO (food and agriculture organization), this drink, thanks to its high minerals is really perfect for sporty after efforts.
Moreover, its concentration is blood-like, because the glucose quantity (about 25-30 g/l), permits rising blood sugar in more important way than water only.
Coconut drink has a draining effect, for example it’s especially use in Brazil to eliminate cellulite.
The price is not very attractive, a bottle of one liter is sold 4,00 €, against less than 1,00 € for a water bottle of 1,5 liter.
The major inconvenience of coconut water is it’s very low proteins. To have a complete recovery, it could be so indispensable to associate a high proteins food, like a yogurt for example.
Moreover, it’s sodium less, which is a disadvantage to receive a complete thirst-quenching.
The taste is particular and it could don’t delight everyone.
The emergent and undeveloped countries embrace the global market favoring the free exchange and the globalization by the way.
The new technology acquisition and the recent scientific discoveries are allowed increase production capacity, augment innovation domain and respect environmental constraint.